Episode 2:Heartbeat

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*Inside Elliott Manor, 3rd pov*

James:We've got to curb her trips to the dump.

Worker Drone N listens to James while looking at him, holding a waiter tray of glasses. Thunder rumbles.

James:And where's she getting the hair to play dress-up with them? Creepy.

[James throws a glass up into the air, and N catches it with his tray before bowing and walking off.

*Elsewhere in the manor*

N was walking in a different part of the manner to presumably head back to a area to get all the glasses cleaned beofre he enters a bar looking area and collides with V, who was wearing glasses, accidentally around the corner of a hallway.


They fall to the ground, N's tray falling with them.

N:Oh! I-I'm so sorry-

V:It's okay, I-I wasn't looking.

N and V touch each other's hands accidentally when tiding up the glasses, causing a little spark. They look at each other, N blushes before J kicks N in the head with her foot, knocking him to the ground again.

J:Move it, moro-

J soon noticed someone and quickly turned her tone into a sickly sweet one.

J:Hiiii, Tessa! Oh, no. Another one?

N looks behind him to see Tessa as a fourth drone shows up behind Tessa before the screen glitches and cuts to black.

*end of dream*

N wakes up, upside down, hollers out loud, and then falls to the ground.
As he recovers, still trying to figure out what his dream is, he suddenly heard Uzi.

Uzi (Muffled):N, found something in here!

*Inside the landing pod*

In the landing pod, Uzi is holding a pilot badge. She looks at a mirror, but the AbsoluteSolver symbol flashes up on Uzi's eye and shatters the mirror before returning to normal.
V blows some bubbles on her left hand that she had turned into a bubble blower turns the chair she was sitting on around to look at Uzi.

V:That's weird and concerning

Uzi then accusatory points at her.

Uzi:Bite me. This is probably your weirdos' fault.

V:I've never seen that symbol before.

V then looks at Uzi with a bloodthristt look and had a sinister tone.

V:Wanna do an autopsy to find out?

V soon found herself being shocked for a few seconds before it finally stopped.


V soon looked to see what caused her to be shocked and saw y/n with his hand on her right shoulder.

V:What the-!? How did you do that!?

Y/n:My hands are made of conductive metal so they can be defibrillators

V:Do you have any other ridiculous kinds of stuff hidden in your body?

Y/n looks at V's bubble blower before looking back at her.

Y/n:I have the ridiculous stuff?

V looks at her bubble blower before looking back at him with a glare.

V:You win this round

Y/n rolls his eyes before they spot N climbing down the ladder into the landing pod.

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