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Christmas Spirit
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Sadly it was now Christmas, Artie was on a call with the 118 now.

"Thank you, thank you so much for saving that. I mean, at least if I have to go to jail, I'm leaving with what I came for." The girl that was getting handcuffed said. She sprayed people with pepper spray just so she could get a toy.

"Sorry, but that toy is going into evidence." Athena, the one who was handcuffing her said.

"What?" The girl asked shocked before she was taken away.

"Sir, this burning is gonna go away." Bobby told the man dressed as Santa, "It's just gonna take a couple hours."

"Long before you need to be back in the North Pole." Buck said before chuckling.

"Is Santa Claus gonna die?" A little boy walked up to the four who were working in the people who got pepper sprayed.

"Oh, hey, no, no, no. Of course not, and don't you worry." Buck said as he turned to the kid and got to their level, "He's not really Santa." Artie face palmed along with Delia.

"He's not real?" The girl next to the boy, everyone gave Buck a panicked or taken back look, well Artie gave him an annoyed look hoping he'd shut up.

"No, no, sweetie. He's just pretend." Buck nodded at her, Artie gaped at him.

"Oh my fucking god." Artie mumbled to Delia who agreed even Phoenix had a taken aback look.

'Santa's pretend?" The boy asked as he and the girl began to cry.

"That's right." He nodded at them.

"Buck, Buck, Buck." Delia grabbed onto his shoulder before giving him a look, Bobby then shook his head 'no' at him.

"What?" Buck looked at them confused as he stood up.

"Did you just tell my kid Santa isn't real?" A girl walked up to them.

"Mm-hmm." The little girl nodded.

"Uh, no, no." Buck said hurriedly, "I was-I was just explaining that this Santa isn't Santa."

"Hey, Cody, what's the matter?" A dad walked up to his kid.

"Santa Claus isn't real." He cried out, Buck chuckled nervously before turning to Artie, Delia and Bobby.

"Idiot." Artie hissed nudging him back as Artie walked forward crouching down.

"Santa is real. The Santa we see in shops is like a representative, as the real Santa can't be everywhere at once. His magic is mostly used for his sleigh at night, but he shares some of it with his duplicates to help him visit different places. However, sometimes these duplicates can get into trouble when trying to do too much good." The children listened attentively as Artie spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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