A Fiendishly Mad Tea Party

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"And you took her to see the tracks of the hazmat suits ?" Frosty asked, incredulous.

We were sitting in the VIP section of the Hearts. Only 17 but our IDs showed 24. The lounge was on the upper floor and offered a perfect view of the dance floor and the entrance as well. And it was accessible to our team only. The slightest sign from us to the security guards and anyone could be thrown out. Not that we couldn't handle anyone ourselves. But it felt nice not having to do the dirty work once in a while. Thanks, Mr. Ankh.

I nodded back at Frosty. "Had to begin somewhere."

"But how did you know those tracks were gonna be behind her house ?"

A beat passed and Frosty echoed. "You had checked it before." I confirmed with a brief nod.

"Had we already covered this part of the forest with traps ?"

"Yeah." A mischievous smile spread on my face. "And she got hooked in one."

Frosty laughed. "You pushed her."

"Didn't even have to." My smile got wider too.

"So what'd you learn ?" He asked taking another sip of his glass.

"It seems like she can see Zs. But never talked about it with anyone."

"Not even J.S. or Anima ?"

"I'm confident she doesn't even comprehend what's going on for now." Mostly because of the way I saw her in the last vision. But Frosty wouldn't trust that.

"Also, she experienced the visions. Same ones I did." I carried on.

"Doesn't mean she's not the one creating them." I didn't answer that one. I didn't think so, but I had no proof and I'd hate to be wrong.

"You know me I only act with foresight."

Bronx arrived at that time and sat in front of Frosty and me.

"Seriously man. You've taken huge risks revealing yourself and everything." Frosty continued.

"Don't we always when a new slayer shows up ?" I asked with a menacing voice.

"Anima wasn't in the picture last times. Does Tyler know ?"

"No." I growled. "And you won't say a word. To anyone."

Frosty drained his glass and leaned back on the sofa, withdrawn and frustrated, probably because he knew there was no point in arguing with me.

"Well." Said Bronx apparently amused by the situation. "You also missed Cole getting burned bad by Rina today at lunch."

Frosty's expression didn't change but a spark appeared in his eyes. "What'd she say ?"

He and Trina were very close too and we all knew she had a knack for dragging people back down to earth, always leaving witnesses speechless.

"Exposed Cole and Love's dirty little habits."

Frosty burst out laughing. I was the one scowling now.

"She was drunk and she came to me. It didn't mean anything."

"Please dude. It always means something to a chick. Especially to Love." Exclaimed Frosty.

"Damn true." Dereck who'd arrived with Collins a minute ago, sat down next to Bronx, and picked up the topic. "Worst mistake I ever made was giving my number to a hot babe, hoping for a second round."

We all cracked up laughing.

"You're meant to handle Zs, Cole, not girlfriends. And so am I." Collins retorted.

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