2. Getting to Know Each Other

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A/n: Hiya it's Tea! Hope you guys like it! I know it's a basic one but why not right? Especially since they're nothing like the anime/manga lol.

Hina POV

While I was with Aki in the store, I was still very confused. At the very least, I wanted to know if we could let go of our hands since he never released mine. If I tried he would make sure I couldn't let go. I wanted to know if something would happen if we let go but I let it be after a while. I wanted to know who he was and so much more. 'Hopefully I'll get to find out soon.'

Once we're done, we leave the grocery store. He asks me, "do you live far from here?" I shake my head no in response. He beams at me with excitement. "Great! Wanna come to my place then? I also don't live far from here and I really want to get to know more about you." I nod and give him a sweet smile in approval. I tug on his hand and say, "I'd love to, lead the way."


Narrator POV

Aki and Hina arrive at Aki's home. They walk inside and he gives Hina a tour of the house.

His house is painted a navy blue color on the outside and the inside walls are painted a light yellow for the rooms and forest green for the kitchen.

The living room includes a large L shaped gray couch with a small brown coffee table. There's a large flat screen tv with a gaming system as well. There's another chair for sitting along with a big window to the right of the living room. His house consists of a main bedroom, a guestroom and two bathrooms. He shows Hina some other small things but after that they head to the living room so they can relax and talk.

Hina POV

I sit down on the sofa while Aki goes to the kitchen to get us snacks. When he let go of my hand, I was afraid something would happen since we only just bonded but I was surprisingly alright. I could still feel his presence and smell his scent so that's probably why I'm alright. 'I wonder what would happen if I wasn't in the same place as him though. Would there be an affect since we haven't been bonded for much time yet?' My thoughts are interrupted when Aki taps my shoulder, causing me to look at him.

"I see you're back now. Take a seat next to me." I pat the spot on the sofa and he sits down after placing the snacks on the coffee table. He made popcorn and brought some fruit out to enjoy as well.

"So, tell me about yourself; your career, hobbies, and anything else I should know about you," I state.

"I'm a police officer for our city's PD. I've been working there since I was 23 and I've been there for three years now. I graduated from Tokyo University when I was 22 with a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice," he states.

"That's pretty cool!" I exclaim in amazement. "It must be an exciting, thrilling, yet dangerous job at times as well," I inquire.

Aki sighs and nods in agreement. "Yes it is. While it is fun and I enjoy it there are also some cases where it can be pretty dangerous. For example, trying to stop a bank robbery has it's risks since the robber could try to shoot one of us down and escape. There's been more difficult cases than those though, however." He pauses for a brief moment to eat some of the berries then continues, "what's your career/job and how old are you now?"

I realized that we truly are a fated pair when I recalled what kind of job I have. I chuckled before responding. "Well, I'm actually one of Tokyo's best lawyers at the top layer firm called Abe, Ikubo & Katayama. I've one 95% of my court cases and my bosses and clients are very pleased with the work I produce. It must be fate that we both work for justice and law in some way, huh?" I wink at him and giggle. "I also graduated with a bachelor's and went on to get my graduate degree in law and justice at only 24 as well. I'm 26 now," I add in.

Aki has a look of awe on his face and takes my hands in his. I immediately feel the tingling and sparks like electricity flow through my body. "That is way cool! I can't believe that I have such a beautiful, talented, and smart soulmate. I'm truly so blessed and I'm very thankful," he compliments, causing my face to turn three shades redder. "You look very cute with this blush coating your cheeks. I could totally kiss you right now," he adds, allowing my face to turn as red as a tomato.

"Aki!" I exclaim and take my hands out of his to hide my face in shyness.

"I'm sorry but I can't hold myself back anymore," he said as he removes my hands from my face.

"What do you m--" my words are cut off when he claims my lips in a sweet kiss. Our lips move in synch as he leans me down onto the couch and kisses me more passionately. He strokes my hair with one hand and my cheek with another before lightly biting on my lower lip, allowing me to let out a gasp. He slips his tongue in, allowing me to let out a small sound I never have heard myself make before.

He removes his tongue and lips from me and has the biggest smirk on his face. "Ah, I loved hearing that little sound come out of your mouth. I wanna hear more of your pretty, sweet voice."

If I wasn't feeling something before I'm definitely feeling something now. His look is so seductive that I would be on my knees by now had we been standing. He leans back down and captures my lips into another searing kiss. Our lips move back and forth in a sweet dance as our kisses get more steamy by the second. He slips his tongue in again and explores my mouth. I let out another sound from the sweet pleasure he's giving me.

We keep kissing and making out for a few more minutes before he finally releases my lips. He leans down to my ears and growls, "you're mine. Every inch and every part of you is mine, body and soul!" I shiver from his words but nod in reassurance. "Y-ess, I'm yours and yours alone."

He gets up and off me and gives me his hand, pulling me up so I'm in a sitting position again. "As much as I would love to take you to bed, I want our first time to be something special and romantic so I'll wait until that moment comes."

"If you're up for it, I'd love to learn more about you while I take you out to lunch," he offers with a soft look on his face.

I beam with glee and excitement. "I'd love to! Where are we gonna go to?," I ask.

He winks then goes to my ear and whispers, "that's for me to know and you to find out," I shiver in response. This man already has me wrapped around his finger and we've barely known each other for less than a day!

"Alright," I respond.

A/n: done and done and done HEHEHE

What do you guys think? What kind of restaurant do you think they'll go to? Will Aki be more of a tease and will Hina be a cute and shy lady? Stay tuned to find out 😉

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Cya in the next update ^-^

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