Tempest Vladimir Creed

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Name: Tempest Vladimir Creed

Looks: (made with Novel AI)

Vampire Form: (I do not own the picture, found it on Pinterest)

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Vampire Form: (I do not own the picture, found it on Pinterest)

Vampire Form: (I do not own the picture, found it on Pinterest)

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Species: Vampiric Demon Hybrid

Age: lets just say he's VERY VERY VERY fucking old

Height: 6'8

Hair color: White

Skin color: Tanned

Eye color: Red

Likes: his family, his friends, his new home, his weapons, his business, drinking, gambling, blacksmithing, magic, studying magic, research, lore of universes, movies(not romances, boring to him), comic books, video games, cooking, killing Corrupted, making new universes, his fellow Vampires

Neutral: some Author gods, alien races, other businesses that don't fuck with him, Union(the good ones)

Dislikes: his past, the Regime, Union(the bad ones), people who disrespect his family, friends and innocent people, Corrupted, Rouge Vampires, traitors, people messing with his family, business and his friends, losing innocent people

There song: (I do not own the video or song, found it on YouTube)

Friends: lightcero DreamSliceRulez Ryanlee132 Crimson-Pendragon-X EmberKamado01 brandon01719 binomartinez_456 WAMred AgentVick Demo2099 HeroicWolfGuardian Draconic41 Drake00943 Williamjwb87 Codegeass2023 HelixOrion gundamfan1337

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