The Start of Something Better- Farmer's POV

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"You lucky he in a dire need of a change. The same thing happened no me long ago. I'd lost sight of what mattered most in life... real connections with other people and nature. So i dropped everything and moved to the place i truly belonged." is what a letter my grandpa sent me said, not too long afterwards, I received a phone call from my parents telling me my he just passed away. It was hard to process because me and him were really close, i stayed on the farm for weeks at a time during the summer, but after a few months of receiving the letter, I came to process his death and checked what i he left me in his will, he wrote me another letter "My dearest granddaughter, I know you always loved coming to the farm during the summer so I left you the property. I know you will take good care of it and create something beautiful of it." Why would he think I would create something beautiful of a nasty old farm?? But little did I know that this 'nasty old farm' changed my life for the better.

Shoot Another Shot, Try and Stop the Feeling- Haley x FarmerWhere stories live. Discover now