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I woke up to the white ceiling of a hospital. I slowly sat up, looking around the room. What I saw surprised me, Chloe crying on Amy's shoulder. Why the hell was she crying? She's the one that should be happy, I mean she has her crush, while I have the pain of Jesse, Aubrey, and her! Suddenly I felt angry, angry because I have sacrificed so much for her and she's not even happy with what she wanted, when all I wanted was her love.

"Chloe you need to go." I said slowly holding my anger in before I strangled her

Chloe and Amy looked up realizing that I was awake "Beca! Your awake, thank god!" Chloe pulled me into a bear hug ignoring what I had said.

I pushed her off of me "Chloe you need to leave." She looked confused as I glared daggers at her

"Why? Beca what's wrong?" Tears lingered in Chloe's eyes as she looked at me, worried

"Chloe you need to leave." I was on the edge of exploding

"Beca you can te-"

"GET OUT!!" I yelled in her face pointing towards the door

To say the least, Chloe looked shocked as she allowed Amy to guide her out of the room. When Chloe was finally out of the room, Amy started.

"What the fuck was that Beca?" Amy was mad for some reason

"She ruined my life Amy! I was almost beaten to death because she slept with Aubrey! I don't care about her anymore Amy, all she is, is a big fat selfish slutty bitch!" I screamed at the top of my lungs

Amy gasped and turned looking out of my room window to see Chloe leaving, tears silently streaming down her face "Beca, do you remember anything from the alley?" Amy sounded so depressed it hurt me

I shook my head "Not really, I blacked out after the third punch to the face."

Amy sighed "Chloe noticed you were gone when Aubrey dragged you off, and we went looking for you. We found you unconscious and near death. Chloe woke you up while I punched Jesse's lights out, then Chloe blew up on Aubrey verbally and then we took you to the hospital. When we got here Chloe started freaking out, she had 3 or 4 panic attacks while we were waiting to visit you. Chloe blamed herself for all this happening, and nearly went to the bathroom to God knows what, but the doctors let us in. Chloe started crying as soon as she saw you, and now here we are."

I was shocked, Chloe came looking for me? "Why did she come looking for me?"

Amy sighed "I don't know Beca, but I think you just ruined your love's life." Amy walked out leaving me to ponder the new information, but one thing was clear to me.

I wasn't I love with Chloe Beale. Why would I be? Chloe Beale was a bitch.

So I know one of you hates me, but that's ok. I never EVER had the intention of killing off EITHER Chloe or Beca,so you can forget that. So I remember when one of you said Chloe was a bitch, so I made Beca realize it.

Yay or Nay?

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