𝑜. Prologue

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      LORELAI POTTER CLUTCHED HER TRUNK TIGHTLY. She hurried down the platform with her mother, her heart pounding excitedly. Hogwarts School Witchcraft and Wizardry awaited her, promising adventures beyond her wildest dreams.

She glanced around, taking in the hustle and bustle of the crowded station, searching for her older brother James. Finally spotting him near the Hogwarts Express, Lorelai dashed over, her robes billowing behind her.

James, already in his second year, stood tall next to their father, his familiar grin widened as he caught sight of her.

"Lottie!" He exclaimed, enveloping her in a tight hug, "You ready for your first year at Hogwarts?" He asked, as his eyes sparkled with excitement, he looked over at their mother. She stood nearby, holding tightly onto Lorelai's brand-new school supplies and a small, furry companion—a wide-eyed kitten nestled snugly in her arms. 

"You got a cat besides an owl—!?"  James' eyes shot wide open as he took notice of the little white and pearly blue-eyed kitten.

The young girl beamed, nodding eagerly as she took the kitten away from their mother, holding it up at James; "Adorable isn't she!? Way better than your owl." Lorelai stuck her tongue out at her elder brother.

James crossed his arms; "Hoot is an excellent owl."

"Well yeah. . .teacup is just better."


"Are we going to Hogwarts or what!?"

Their father, Fleamont Potter laughed; "Well save some excitement when you actually get there darling." He said beaming down at her height.

"Don't go following your brother and his friend's reckless footsteps." Her mother reassured her as James gasped dramatically.

"Oh, mother! Me? Reckless?" He replied with his usual dramatic flare of act.

Euphemia Potter gave a stern look at her son; "I got an own telling me you boys have blown up a toilet—"

"—Yeah only once."


"Fine, twice," James conceded, his voice tinged with humor. "But the second time wasn't my fault." He stated, Mrs. Potter sighed deeply, her eyes rolling in exasperation.

Mr. Potter chuckled as he said; "You kids better get going, don't want to miss the train do we now?" He raised a brow at his daughter who began shaking her head uncontrollably.

"Absolutely not!" Cried Lorelai, dashing into the Hogwarts Express holding onto Teacup with James running right behind her.

"Look after your sister James!" Their mother yelled at the two.

"I can take care of myself, Mum!"

And with that Lorelai Potter found herself inside the Hogwarts Express, heading to Hogwarts.

The express exuded an atmosphere of enchantment, its interior adorned with polished wood and plush seats. In each compartment, rows of cushioned seats lined the walls, their maroon upholstery embroidery with celestial patterns. Lace curtains adorned the windows, offering glimpses of the passing countryside.

It was a magical haven, setting the stage for the adventure that awaited and Lorelai couldn't wait.

"C'mon, let's find my friends," James said grabbing onto his sister's shoulders gently as he led the way.

Finally finding the compartment door, James excitedly made his way in as Lorelei took notice of the two boys who were already seated. By the window seat was an extremely short young boy, fine blonde hair with grubby skin, small watery eyes, and a pointed nose. He seemed to be holding a bag of sweets in his hand.

The boy next to him seemed to be taller and surly taller than James, he had light brown hair, shabby, parched clothing, and had all his attention to the book he was reading.

Lorelai noticed a few light scars on his hand and face, she didn't think any of it till James grabbed his attention and she noticed he had scars all over.

"Lads," James spoke up. "This is Lorelai, my sister."

The blonde boy beamed and waved at you which caused James to chuckle; "That's Peter and that's Remus." He gestured to the scarred boys.

"Hi," the girl mumbled just loudly for both boys to hear and they both gladly greeted her back.

She took a seat by the window in front of the two boys, Teacup on her lap as James sat next to her and the three friends began to chatter and got caught up with one another.

Shortly after the compartment door flew open. It was another boy probably another one of James' friends. He had long dark raven hair, deep blue eyes, sharp features, full lips, and cheekbones that could cut glass.

"Sorry I'm a bit late lads had to take care of something." He spoke up grinning at the boys.

James returned the same grin; "And what is that?" He asked.

The raven-haired boy didn't say another word, simply moved out of the way revealing a younger boy behind him with the same features as the older one, he seemed to be around Lorelai's age.

"My darling brother." He raised a brow at the other three; "This is Reg, say hello Reggie."

"It's Regulus." The young boy replied, irritably.

James grinned wide as he jumped down from his seat, causing Lorelai to be in full view of the other two boys.

"This is Lottie." Said James, "My darling sister." He smiled, mocking his friend.

The girl's face illuminated with excitement as she swiftly recognized the boy. She had heard numerous wonderful things about Sirius from James, but she never knew he had a younger brother her age.

"Hey!" She cried out, "I'm Lorelai." She called out cheerfully, extending her hand towards Regulus, who seemed perplexed by her gesture.

"Shake her hand Reg," Sirius muttered quietly at his younger brother. "You should listen to your older brother."

Regulus huffed and crossed his arms, his eyes gazing up at the elder Black, "Mother says I shouldn't listen to your stupid nonsense."

Sirius rolled his eyes; "Don't even think about that." Sirius tousled Regulus's hair playfully. "Don't want you to make friends with the wrong sort."

Suddenly Regulus's gaze shifted to Lorelai, his expression turning serious as he stood up straight and narrowed his eyes at her "I think I can tell the wrong sort myself thanks," Snapped Regulus bluntly before turning on his heel and leaving without another word, leaving Lorelai feeling embarrassed.

Her eyes widened, stood frozen at his reply and the fact he just left without uttering another word. Leaving her with her older brother and his best mate, leaving her completely humiliated.

Sirius was quick to apologize for his brother's actions, blaming it on their family's prejudiced pure-blood ways. James was fast to comfort her, but she didn't need that pity from them.

Lorelai Potter didn't cry, she was utterly frustrated by Regulus Black. Nevertheless, she kept her head up high along with her courage, she wasn't gonna let a boy ruin her first year.

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