Chapter 4.5

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It took another three days for Taehyung to heal and Jungkook could observe two people in one body. One was collected and calm, sitting quietly in the praying hall to meditate while the other was growling and swearing outrageously in the confines of their cabin, being the epitome of impatience.

But on the third day in the morning, the Demon stormed into his room and smiled like Jungkook had never seen before, announcing that he was completely healed and that they should go immediately.

And now, they were standing in front of the Flower Shop with the morning sun shining down on them.

„Let's do this," Taehyung whispers and opens the door to the shop. The melodic jingle accompanies them entering and the warm and humid air is almost overpowering with a sweet scent.

„Coming," is yelled from somewhere and soon after, Jin appears from another door on the left behind the counter. His eyes almost bug out when he sees them.

„Where have you been?" he inquires and sounds kind of upset. „You were gone for a week! Yoongi and I were worried."

Jungkook raises a brow in doubt. „Really?"

„Nah, it was actually only me," Jin admits and leans on the counter, mustering them from head to toe. „Get rid of the wings, ASAP. Why do I have to always say that?!"

Jungkook shares a glance with Taehyung and they vanish their wings.

„And what is with your twinsies outfit?" Jin inquires with narrowed eyes and points at their matching hanboks. „Where have you been?"

Jungkook doesn't dare to look at Taehyung this time. That's what you got when you just left without really thinking about your next step. Jungkook blinks and changes into a black shirt and jeans.

„Better?" he asks, but Jin bursts out laughing.

„Still twinsies," he huffs and Jungkook can see that Taehyung is equally wearing a black shirt and jeans.

They stare at each other and Taehyung flinches his teeth quickly in distaste.

„You don't have a monopoly on black clothes, you know," Jungkook answers.

„And oh my," Jin says surprised and leans his chin on his hand, playfully. „Are you wearing couple jewelry? May I congratulate you? Like I said you are a match made in heaven and hell."

„NO!" echoes through the room.

Jin seems unfazed by their outburst and continues grinning. „What can I do for you?"

„We need to talk," Taehyung answers. „Privately."

„Oh," the Grim Reaper says happily and walks around the counter. „This will be exciting, I can feel it. Let me close the store."

A few minutes later, they sit at a table in a room that was reached through the left door. There are several shelves with pottery from all over the world and photographs. Jin prepares some cups and a teapot.

He places everything on the table and pours tea for everyone. Jin grins when he sits down. „Finally tea with you."

„I'm not drinking tea with you," Taehyung says defiantly.

„But Jungkookie here promised that you would drink tea with me."

Jungkook can feel Taehyung's eyes on him but doesn't look. He was sure that a crimson burning iris would greet him. A slap on his thigh sounds and it burns like hell, but he doesn't react.

„Is that so?" he hisses dangerously.

„Yes. He promised so I would tell him where you went," Jin answers feely, ratting Jungkook out even more.

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