Chpt 3: A night out at the bar

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OMG, TYSM FOR ALL THE READS AND VOTES!! I'm rlly glad you guys are enjoying this story and I hope you guys like this chapter. <33


Your voice echoed out across the bar as the instrument behind you playing along; It was a cold Friday evening, and you were spending your time working as a Nightclub singer. You had invited Selenne and Elenois along to listen, which they gladly accepted. The bar was always busier on late Friday evenings, however the sounds of classes clattering and the whispers of people laughing and chatting in the back always bought some kind of comfort to you. As you glanced across the tables, you spot 2 familiar figures in the back. It was 1 of your neighbours, Angus and... the milkman. As you looked up at the 2, you make eye contact with the milkman before averting your eyes back down to the crowd in front of you, feeling slightly awkward by his deep dark eyes on you.

You continued on with the show until it ended. As you're helping all the instrumental players pack up, you notice Angus walk over to the twins, starting up a conversation with them. Just as you were about to continue packing up, you turn your head to notice the milkman walking towards you. As he walked up onto the stage, you took note of his attire. He's wearing a clean, fitting navy blue suit with matching coloured bowler hat. Once he approached you, he tipped the front of his hat towards you slightly.

"That was a lovely show you put on there, Mx."
"Oh, well thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!"

You thanked the man with a warm smile as you're met his non-expressive stare. The 2 of you just stared at each other for a brief moment, almost like time had stopped on its own and it was just the 2 of you. Suddenly, you were snapped out of your trance-like state by the sound of the man's deep, monotone voice ringing through your ears.

"It's Francis by the way. Francis mosses."

"Y/N. Y/N L/N."

"Pleasure to meet you Mx, L/N."

After he introduced himself as Francis, he grabbed your hand and kisses it before tipping his hat once more and taking his leave with his friend. As you watched him exit, waving softly as he went, you turned your head back to be met with 2 shocked twins, starring wide-eyed at you. Immediately, they both flocked over to your side, hugging one of your arms each as they giggled.

"Oh my goodness, did you see the way he looked at them?!" Selenne exclaimed, looking over at Elenois.

"Huh?" You questioned, tilting your head slightly as you were still quite overwhelmed by their sudden attack.

"Oh my goodness, and the way he kissed her hand, eek, it was just so romantic" Elenois squealed, your statement clearly not making it through their daydreaming.

"What on earth are you guys taking about?" You finally queried, the 2 girls finally snapping their heads out of the clouds and turning to you.

"Francis! The way he looked at you, he never looks at anyone like that!" Selene stated with a big smile on her face.

"Like what?" You inquired, still quite confused on what all their sudden excitement was about.

"Oh c'mon, he never takes any time out of his day to walk up and talk to someone! He only ever talks when someone else strikes up a conversation with him. So, for him walk up on stage to talk to you clearly means something!!" Elenois blurted out, nudging you slightly in the side as she giggled. You couldn't help but blush slightly at their statements and their implications, despite how silly they were. You quickly shook away those thoughts however, shaking your head before you spoke.

"I'm sure he was just being polite. Now c'mon, let head home quickly before the snow comes bucketing down, I head that there's supposed to be a bunch of snowfall tonight over the radio." You mentioned, looking at the 2 girls as their heads popped up.

"Really!?? Oh dear, it's already cold enough asit is! Let's go!" Selene remarked, Elenois nodding along as the 3 of you exitedthe bar and began walking your way home.

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