chapter 6

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Caroline pov

It had been 2 days since I saw stefan elena and Damon I think I missed one episode

In this episode stefan reveals his identity to elena and if I am not wrong viki will turn into a vampire

Lost in my thoughts suddenly I heard a notification on my phone it was from elena

"Meet me at the grill asap"

Well I quickly choose I dress and I was on my way to grill when I entered I waved at matt and then saw elena and stefan what is he doing here

Elena waved at me calling me

Caroline:hey elena hey stefan

Stefan smiled at me and elena told me to sit down

Stefan:I told elena to call you I want to tell you guys something elena knows half of it

I raise my eyebrow

Stefan:I am a vampire

Caroline:vampire?Edward Cullen

I said in a Sarcastic way so I was suppose to know about it in s2 what's happening

Stefan:Yeah a bit

Elena: You said you would explain everything. That's why I asked you to meet me here. When you Google "vampire" you get a world of fiction. What's the reality?

Stefan: I can tell you whatever you both wanna know.

Caroline: I know you eat garlic

Stefan: Yes

Elena: And somehow, sunlight's not an issue.

[A waitress arrives.]

Waitress: Hi, here are your drinks.

Elena: Thank you.

[The waitress leaves.]

Stefan: We have rings that protect us.


Stefan: Decorative.

Elena: Holy water?

Stefan: Drinkable.

Caroline: Mirrors

Stefan: Myth.

Caroline:what about drinking blood

Elena: You said you don't kill to survive

Stefan: Animal blood keeps me alive, but not as strong as Damon. He can be very powerful

Elena: And yet you let him get involved with Tiki and  Caroline

Stefan: Forcing Damon not to do something is much more dangerous, believe me and I did tried to keep him away from Caroline

Elena: He was hurting TIKI what if he had hurt Caroline as well

reincarnated as Caroline forbesWhere stories live. Discover now