Spider, Death, Rebirth

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Ashia was in a void. She had no recollection of how she had come here. She remembered going about her daily routine arriving at her workplace, but everything else was fuzzy at best. She had the vaguest sense that she had.... died. It was at that moment that the memories had come rushing back, and her thoughts were muddled and hazy she couldn't even think straight when a bright light materialized in front of her in the shape if a door, as this strange compulsion to walk forwards into the door weld up inside her.

As she stepped inside the room, it reminded her of a game show floor with several rows of seats each and everyone filled with people they were hard to comprehend. Their bodies were seemingly made from static. The only discernable feature was their masks, each one a different animal, there were dogs, cats, frogs, elephants and the list went on as each one had a different mask even ones she didn't recognize, she was shaken out of her reverie by a voice a man covered head to toe in white the top half of his face was covered by a rabbit mask.

"Welcome our newest contestant to this season of our game, this 'year' we an unremarkable Earthling from an unremarkable Earth!" The announcer said cheerfully, his gloved hands making quotation signs when he said the word year.

Ashia felt like the world was spinning as she was called back by the person she had dubbed The Host.

"So darling, what do you say?" as he held out a piece of paper on a clipboard, which Ashia had quickly identified as a contract.

"Just put your hand in the center of the contract if you agree." The Host explained, sensing her confusion.

"And what if I don't agree?" She asked as she stared at the strange man.

"Well," He chuckled, you will be brought back to the place where you were plucked from to await trial, and based off of your very unremarkable life, I doubt any grand is awaiting you." He said as she stared down at the sheet of paper and stared reading seriously
The main points summarized were as follows: she would gain a new body and the associated memories. However, unless under specific circumstances, she would never be able to return to either of her home universes

The system is designed to help her  and would allow for buying items from the system, which would get better over time, however even if they stop watching she would never lose access to the system, and so by extension her powers
And that she could still die and that if she ever did, she would have her achievements to help tip the scales. However, they did have the power to resurrect her if they found her entertaining enough

After reading the page, she only saw positives to accepting as she pressed her hand onto the center as a glowing handprint appeared onto the paper as the man took back the clipboard as a giant roulette wheel appeared before them.

"Well, don't just stand there spin it." The man said.
She had broken out of her reverie as she prepared to spin the mighty wheel, that seemed atleast twice the size as the price is right wheel, with all her nonexistent might, as to her surprise the wheel span rather easily as the wheel kept spinning as it seemed to go on forever until it finally landed on a name.
Spider-Gwen appeared in big bold letters as the crowd seemed to cheer. However, she couldn't be sure, as she was too preoccupied watching the wheel shift and change at first it was just a simple word swap. The names of characters were replaced with names of different series, ranging from movies to books to video games, but then the wheel changed again as certain realities were marked off or removed completely.

"Well, go on, honey, give the wheel another spin." the man said, his excitement palpable.
She gave another good push to the wheel as the same thing happened as before, where the wheel spun faster and longer than seemed possible.

When the wheel finally stopped, it landed on a series she had a blurry recollection of, at best, Young Justice.
The reveal was met with even more applause as a portal opened. The portal seemed to be made up of storm clouds, with lightning jumping around on the inside.
Suddenly, she felt her perspective shift as she had been pushed into the portal.

The first thing that had happened was one of the lightning bolts struck her on the forehead, as memories flashed through her, who was she, she couldn't remember. When a second lightning bolt flashed through her, the memories became sorted.

'I am Gwendolyn Stacy, Spider-Woman,' she thought, with a hardiness not previously known.
The third was this growing sense of being, as she felt her body being forged over her soul, then she felt clothes starting to cover her body as she felt familiar strands of her suit, as she felt her mask appear in her hand, as she felt another object appear in the same space as her, as she was free-falling as the portal finally opened up over a city.

***Meanwhile in Gotham***

It was a normal day in Gotham, when a large portal opened up in the sky almost no one anything come out of it, while everyone was set into a mad tizzy, a single person fell through the sky

***Back with Gwen***

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Gwen's arms flailing wildly as she tried to somehow control her fall, she felt her panic increase ten-fold as she felt a presence within her mind, as she felt the creature guide her, remind her of one her most useful abilities,

"My webs!" As muscle memory kicked in, she shot out her webs, as the strands of web attached to the spire of the building as she felt the rush that only swinging could bring as she was caught up in her ecstasy, she failed to notice the man staring at from the top floor of his building.

After a few hours, Gwen landed behind a dumpster. As she closed her eyes, she felt her costume shift as it reformed into a Canadian Tuxedo[1]. As she walked through the streets, she tried to find any identifying features.

'It feels like New York' Gwen thought, when suddenly she felt the feeling of agreement, as she jumped, having not expected that she would have gotten a response.

'That was you before, wasn't it the one who saved me.'

'Yess,' it replied as Gwen was looking around, as she came to a run-down partly collapsed, building. The inside was even worse, as the walls had mold stains, and there were more safety hazards than she could reasonably count.

There was a mattress that was most likely from a past tenant.
As she laid down on the springy bed feeling the coils press up into her back, she felt her world fade into the soft embrace of death.
'Scratch that, this sleep is painful'

[1] This refers to pairing a hoodie and jeans

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