03 - Curiosity kills the cat

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Rise up into my world
Renew your definition
Woah, so high
Let me show
And hear my declaration
No more ties

Matching pace, sway to the beat
Hands up, embrace who you wanna be
We're reaching heights unseen now, woah-oh ♪

Feel the fire deep within
You're the key to where my trust begins
Join my dream, it's just the right time, woah-oh

The h/c haired girl walked past Robin's room and heard her singing. At this point she already knew that Robin is a cosmic popular singer. It has been a week since Y/N appeared in Reverie. Most of the time spent there she just wandered around the hotel halls like a ghost. No emotion or thoughts really occupied her mind. The hotel employees were creeped out by her, but they had no other option than to respect Sunday's decision of Y/N staying in the hotel.

Y/N was clueless about her identity and as someone, who used to be an object in the cosmos, she was giving rather uncanny valley vibes to most.  A walking shell was the word that perfectly described her. Neverthless no one could deny that she was beautiful when they forgot the fact that she doesn't look like a normal girl. Unless there were some who always saw the best in people with their positive view of world, saw the girl like any normal human. Robin was that kind of person. Although she was a bit confused about the girl's emotionless tone when she was talking, the good of her heart just assumed that the girl had some kind of social anxiety and was shy.

And about Sunday? His twisted mind made him see Y/N as an angel for some reason. He was researching every single mention of the star children like a mad scientist. Obsession leading him to more and more sleepless nights. Whenever he had his meetings, he always drank a cup of coffee before them. Eyebags were really not a good sight on his face. The most irritating part of his days were confessions. Always having to repeat the same:

"The Family is ready to forgive all sinners."

The girl's activities were not as tiring as Sunday's. Oh they were not tiring at all. She was staring at the ceiling, eating the food she got and walking around the hotel as always. One day, Y/N randomly wandered into his office. Sunday was so busy with his work that he didn't notice the girl standing behind him until she leaned near him to see what he was reading.
"Luxæns? Who are they?"

Sunday felt a sudden change in the room temperature when Y/N leaned near him. It felt like it was a hot summer day suddenly. Her slender fingers resting on the table next to his and her long h/c hair shone. She looked at him with her shimmering eyes and her luscious lips formed into a small 'O'. Curiosity was the first emotion she has ever felt. 

The halovian man quickly shut the book close. What if the girl knows what he's trying to find? What if she already read the page? What if she knows what he will do with her if she turns out to be the key? But with all honesty, Y/N couldn't read. She just heard Sunday's mumbling and that peaked her interest. Honestly it's surprising that she can even speak and understand words when she wasn't born as a living being. But no one gave it much thought. No one really knew about her true identity, except Sunday, who had a hunch.

He quickly closed the book and turned his head to look at her. Seed of a fear growing inside him and anger, twizzling in his stomach trying to dominate the butterflies from the close proximity, was not helping him with his reaction either.
But as always, he tried to give her a normal response. He couldn't be seen as a person that doesn't have control over their feelings. Of course, the emotional ambivalence was making it harder for him. In the end, he forced a smile.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 [Sunday x FEM!reader]Where stories live. Discover now