Chapter 78: Accident

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Tan Zaozao came to visit and asked after Ruan Nanzhu with heartfelt care. The entire time however, Ruan Nanzhu pretty much blew her off.

"How was your fourth door?" Lin Qiushi asked casually as he sat on the side with nothing to do.

"My fourth door?" Tan Zaozao scratched at her head. "Alright, I guess..." She didn't seem keen on talking about the world of the doors, quickly circumventing the topic.

Seeing this, Lin Qiushi didn't ask any further either.

The television hanging on the hospital wall would occasionally play one of Tan Zaozao's perfume commercials. Onscreen, her noble glamor looked completely beyond this world. Lin Qiushi eyed the commercials, then eyed the woman scrunched up next to Ruan Nanzhu, who had her face buried in a mango and yellow fruit flesh smeared all over her mouth. He fell into a peculiar silence.

Tan Zaozao clearly guessed Lin Qiushi's thoughts from his expression, and bellowed, "stop staring, it's all fake anyways!"

Lin Qiushi, "oh..."

Tan Zaozao peered at Lin Qiushi, and asked with malice: "Are there any stars you're a particularly big fan of?"

Lin Qiushi answered frankly: "No." He didn't do the fan thing.

Tan Zaozao, disappointed, "that's a shame. I could've gotten you an autograph or something." I might've even had gossip to completely ruin your image of that person...

As they chatted, a breaking news report appeared on the TV, saying some star had a car accident on his way to a concert and died on the scene. It even showed footage of an awful car crash.

Tan Zaozao, who'd been working on her mango, suddenly looked up, seeming lost.


Ruan Nanzhu, lying on the bed, asked quietly, "you knew him?"

Tan Zaozao nodded.

She put down the mango in her hand and spoke lowly, "he seems to be someone from the doors too. We filmed a commercial together, but we weren't close or anything..."

Lin Qiushi watched Tan Zaozao, whose mood had clearly fallen.

"Then he began to have all these accidents." Tan Zaozao talked, speaking quite slowly. "During a concert, a light fell from directly above his head, but he only had minor injuries. And other things as well. I had my suspicions then..."

"Maybe it really is just an accident?" Lin Qiushi frowned. "It might not be the doors..."

"It's probably the doors," Tan Zaozao sighed, clearly down. "I'm heading out. Take care of yourselves."

Despite seeing her like this, Lin Qiushi didn't know how to make her feel better. In the end he could only watch her hurry off.

Ruan Nanzhu's expression remained calm the entire time Tan Zaozao was leaving. Lin Qiushi said, "she's okay, right?"

Ruan Nanzhu, "she's fine. She'll be over it in a couple of days."

Lin Qiushi had always thought of Tan Zaozao as quite an optimistic person. To see her break down so unexpectedly like this...

Even though before the actual breakdown, she'd taken off.

Faced with Lin Qiushi's lack of comprehension, Ruan Nanzhu asked, with some surfacing exasperation: "You've really never liked anybody in particular?"

Lin Qiushi thought carefully, then slowly but surely shook his head.

"No. My family's never been close. As far as I recall... Yeah, I've never really liked anyone."

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