Like mother, like daughter (f)

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Summary: When Sam suprises you by coming home early, it's hard to tell who's missed him more, you or your little girl.

Words: 1.2k

You grab your cuppa from the kitchen side and make your way to the sofa, after a busy morning of washing, cleaning and taking your daughter to nursery, you were finally glad to put your feet up. It was only two weeks until Sam was home from tour and quite frankly you couldn't wait, as proud of him as you are, part of you wishes you could keep him at home, with you and your little girl forever, but until then nightly factime calls were the next best thing.

Just as you brought the warm mug to your lips you hear the doorbell ring. Sighing, you put your mug back down and lift yourself up from the comfort of your blankets to go see who was at the door. You wasn't expecting any deliveries, or guests for that matter so you a bit confused as to who was ringing the bell so unexpectedly. Before you could draw anymore possibilities you opened the door, revealing a surprise better than you ever could of imagined, Sam.

"Oh my god" you stood with your mouth draped open, overwhelmed with a mixture of complete happiness and shock. "Nice to see you too babe" Sam chuckled, quickly filling in the space between your bodies, engulfing you in his big arms. God you'd missed him, his laugh, his scent, his voice, everything. "Why are you here? Is everything okay on tour? I've missed you so much!" You blurted out, letting all your emotions run free. Sam looked down at you, smiling, he planted a sweet kiss on your forehead. "Everything is fine babe, I just missed you both so much and I had a little break between shows so I thought I'd come surprised you" You didn't even reply you just smiled up at him and kissed him, the kiss making you long for more. "This is all very nice love but can we go inside now, I'm freezing out here" Sam responded jokingly. You both laughed and made your way into your shared home.

You made your way to the kitchen  and turned the kettle on to make Sam a brew of his own, you figured he'd need one after the drive. As you done so, you felt his arms snake around your waist from behind, his lips attacking your neck. "You look so good" he mumbled between kisses. You loved that about Sam, you was literally wearing some of his jogging bottoms and a sports bra yet he still found you the most attractive woman in the world. "You don't look too bad yourself" you smirked in response. "But as much as I'd love to continue this further, I need to pick y/d/n up from nursery- omg she's gonna be so excited to see you!" You continue, already picturing your little girls face when she sees her dad for the first time in months. She is such a daddy's girl and Sam being away wasn't easy for her, but you made sure you made use of the time by making Sam cards and sending him lots of video messages from his little one.

"I'll go get her love" Sam responded looking down at you. "Are you sure, I really don't mind" you replied already knowing its what Sam wanted. When he is home it is his favourite thing to do, pick his baby girl up from nursery and listen to her ramble on about her day, to then take her home to you and spend the evening with his two favourite girls. "Of course" he said planting a kiss on your lips. "You stay here and we'll both be home before you know it" he continued. In that moment everything felt whole again and you couldn't help but smile as you watched Sam leave to go bring your baby home, to bring your little family together again.

It's safe to say y/d/n was not expecting her dad to be getting her from nursery that day, but when she saw him stood at the gate she ran to him without hesitation. "Daddy daddy, your home?" She squealed, her chubby arms reaching out for him to pick her up. "I am baby! I've missed you" he replied lifting her onto his hip, peppering her face with sweet little kisses. "It tickles daddy" she giggled grabbing his face , burying her head into Sams neck. Sam took a moment to admire yours two beautiful creation, a face he had missed all too much. Your daughter was the perfect mix of you both, with your button nose and plump lips and Sam's blue eyes, Sam nearly burst with pride whenever he looked at her.

The whole journey home was filled with laughs and general chatter while Sam asked his daughter about her day and what she's been up-to. "Me and mummy missed you lots daddy" she admitted making sam smile to himself. "I've missed my girls too" he replied smiling, looking back at her in his rear view mirror. "Does that mean we can get some sweets" she asked grinning, knowing her dad couldn't resist her little smile. "Of course we can, but don't tell mummy you had them before your dinner or daddy will be in trouble" he chuckled in response.

You were made aware of the pairs arrival by the sound of two feet skipping down your hallway yelling "Mummy mummy, daddy's home!" You smiled to yourself, putting the tea towel to the side, deciding the washing up can wait until the morning now. "I know baby!" You cheered in response, picking her up for a cuddle. "And he got me sweets on the way home, but sorry there is none left, I ate them all already" she continued sheepishly. You glance over at Sam, a questioning look on your face, "Did he now?" you replied, smiling in Sam's direction. Sam stood leaning against the entrance to your kitchen, arms folded, admiring his view. "Sorry babe, you know I find it hard to say no to her" he answered whilst walking over and placing a kiss on his daughters cheek "and to her mum too" he winked, pecking a soft kiss too your lips.

Before you could respond, y/d/n had already took Sam's hand and lead him to her playroom, obviously Sam obliged, wanting to spend as much quality time with his little girl as possible, and you didn't mind one bit, you knew later when y/d/n had gone to bed you'd have Sam all to yourself. After lots of playing dress up, reading stories and your family dinner, it was time to put your baby girl to bed. As usual you gave her a gentle kiss goodnight, reminding her how much you love her, and headed for the kitchen for a glass of wine, leaving Sam to tuck her in for the night. Twenty minutes later your little girl was fast asleep, completely warn out from the days antics, and you stood in the kitchen scrolling through your phone waiting for Sam.

As he entered the kitchen you naturally walked towards your living room, preparing for a cosy night infront of the tv, snuggled up in Sams arms. He however, had different ideas. "Where do you think your going?" Sam smirked, pacing towards you, picking you up bridal style. "Your coming with me, mrs" he continued cheekily as he carried you up-to your bedroom, attacking you with kisses along the way. You squealed in response. Your whole heart felt full, it was so good to have Sam home again.

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