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"Are you fucking crazy?!"

Samaira Yadav shook her head with a pitiful sigh as she watched the boy who was scrambling to dust the spiders out of his bag. She smiled internally, counting it as a win in her books. "Foul language inside school premises. You never learn, do you, Shekhawat? I'll be writing your name down on the detention list for this evening. Well done."

Vedan Shekhawat looked up at her with a glare. If he thought that was going to randomly start affecting her after eleven years of their enmity, then he had another thing coming. She had grown immune to every reaction of his simply because she was the reason behind ninety percent of them. "It's a Tuesday. I have a soccer match."

As if she hadn't taken that into account. "No worries. I can let the coach know before I leave. You can sit back for an additional hour without having to concern yourself about anything at all. Sound good?"

He clenched his jaw. "You did this on purpose."

"When have I not?"

Dusting his bag for the millionth time in ten minutes, he placed his books back inside. "I would say that I'm sorry for what I did, but I'm not. I would do it a hundred times over if I could."

Samaira fisted her palms. The asshole had convinced the principal that she couldn't take on additional responsibilities since she had fainted the other day. Normally, she wouldn't have minded, but those additional responsibilities comprised welcoming the chief guest for their science exhibition who just so happened to be her idol, Dr. Preeti Deshpande, the leading surgeon in the country, and Vedan knew it. 

"I know." she said through gritted teeth. "That's why I didn't hesitate to instigate what's coming your way this week."

His eyebrows furrowed. "This week?"

She flashed a pleasant smile. "Of course."

As the wheels in his head turned, his eyes grew wider with realization, and Samaira's smile grew into a full-blown grin. "No! This week?!"

The reaction was exactly what she had anticipated and she couldn't help but want more. Infuriating Vedan was like an addiction. Too much and she would slip over the edge of sanity. "You won't be able to play the inter-school soccer match because you will be welcoming Dr. Preeti Deshpande for the exhibition."

His jaw dropped. "I don't want to do it! It's stupid."

She shrugged nonchalantly. "The principal is convinced that the only person who can do a good job after me is you since Jai has fallen sick."

Jai Malhotra was the Head Boy. People never questioned who he was because his obnoxious ego carried his badge around like a billboard everywhere he went. It was perfect that he had fallen prey to a cold because the timing couldn't have been better. Knowing his overly dramatic self, he wouldn't leave his bed for the next week. 

"I swear to god, Yadav, you will pay for it."

She smiled when she saw his rage take over. Vedan had a few telltale signs, but the most significant one was the way his ears would turn red. The second it did, Samaira considered it an automatic win. "And I'll be anticipating it as always."

"No, you won't because the sheer magnitude of my next plan will leave you so astounded that you won't even be able to plan your retribution for weeks." he hissed, getting up close and personal. 

She blinked twice. "Has anyone ever told you that you would make an exceptional soap opera actor?"

If looks could kill, Samaira would have died thrice. Just in the last fifteen minutes. Vedan cursed under his breath as he turned to exit the classroom, undoubtedly plotting her undeserved murder.

 "You don't even have to audition!" She yelled as he retreated, mocking him for the fun of it as he fumed. "Just perform the way you were right now and push me down an endless staircase. I know you want to!"

"Shut up, Yadav!"

"That'll be another detention! You're on a roll today, Shekhawat."

Vedan flipped her the bird as he walked past the window, making her laugh. Samaira wiped a stray tear off her cheek. Nothing would ever be as hilarious as enraging someone like him because he just made it so easy! She doubted life could get any worse for him, but as she would come to know, it would. Not just for him, but for both of them.

Hey people! I hope you're ready for this because I sure am. Let's goooo. Remember to vote and comment.

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