#11- Jealousy

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10:30 𝚙𝚖.
*𝙾𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙼𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛*

As Bridgette sped through the rain-drenched streets, her anger burned hot and fierce. The knowledge of her lover's betrayal of her ultimate rival—Natalie Wayne fueled her fury, and she gripped the steering wheel tightly, her knuckles turning white.

But as the rain pounded relentlessly against the windshield, her progress slowed to a crawl. The traffic came to a standstill, the red brake lights of the cars ahead glaring accusingly at her. Bridgette's frustration boiled over, and she pounded her fists against the steering wheel, cursing the rain the traffic, and her friend.

Despite the late hour and the stormy weather, she had no intention of turning back. She needed to talk to Natalie, to confront her about the betrayal that had shattered her world. "That slut enjoys taking everything from me!"  She thought furiously while killing her fellow hostess in her mind. The cold, clammy air inside the car did nothing to cool the burning fire of her anger, and she fumed in impotent rage as she sat trapped in the gridlocked traffic.

It was nearly 11 pm by the time Bridgette finally arrived at Natalie's apartment building. The rain still poured down in torrents, and her clothes were soaked through as she dashed from her car to the entrance of the building. After learning that her lover was cheating on her friend, is she supposed to conduct a party and congratulate them? Only stupid fuckers could only do that.

"Damn it! I can't believe she did that to me! Damn you, Natalie. I'm going to rip your skin alive!" She uttered like a raging thunder as she walked the quiet hallway towards Natalie's unit.


After talking with Ms. Greene, Hyde stayed in the interrogation room, his eyes fixed on the documents and records of the person in the name of Bridgette Willows, Natalie's fellow hostess at the bar and the one whose name was mentioned several times during his investigation at the said workplace. 

He heard the door creak open, and a lady with striking auburn hair flowing over her narrow shoulders, piercing green eyes, and a composed demeanor that created the tension in the room. The young man perceived she was a few years younger than Natalie.

"Please have a seat," Hyde said, motioning to the seat opposite to him.

The lady, although disinterest and boredom were evident in her expression, sat down, crossing her legs and folding her hands neatly in her lap.

"I guess you already know why you're attendance is needed here, Ms. Brown." Hyde began, keeping his tone neutral. 

Bridgette's eyes flickered with annoyance. "Honestly detective, I don't see why I have to be here when I already told the other officers everything I know."

"I heard you both of you are close," Hyde commented.

The lady let out a sarcastic derisive laugh. "Ha! Close? what a word. Yes, we worked together. I was close to her when I still thought she was like an angel who fell on the ground, not until I knew what she did to me. She helped me a lot when I was still a newbie. But who would've known that behind her charming, angel-like facade, was a devious monster waiting to devour its prey." She replied, her eyes filled with rage and hatred towards the victim. 

"What did she do to you?" Hyde couldn't help but ask as he was intrigued by the lady's statement. What could it be that it came to the point that she loath Natalie so much? He hates to jump to conclusions, but her answer might've become her motive to kill the victim.  

"That slutty crazy snake took everything from me! She took most of my customers and even had an affair with my lover." She said gritting her teeth.

"Is that why you killed her?" Hyde dropped the question to see her reaction. It was still not proven but he would've liked to observe her. The young man believed there was still more to what she told him.

"What the hell? I told you I didn't I might've wanted to kill her but I didn't do it. Why would I waste my effort and time over a worthless deceitful person? Besides, didn't I just have a definite alibi that night?" Hyde kept his eyes fixed on the other person, but he couldn't see anything but hatred. She was right, her alibi was confirmed by her friends who came with her to the club. Hyde didn't know if she was confident because they had nothing against her, or if she did not kill Natalie.

It was nearly sunset when the interrogation ended, Hyde returned to his desk all exhausted and drained from all the questioning and other necessary procedures for the investigation. Heaving out a deep breath, the young man rested himself on his chair and tried to put his mind at peace. Bridgette's last words before she left kept bugging him.

"Who knows? She might have stuck her nose onto something she shouldn't have."

Hyde straightened his back and leaned on his table, grabbed the Rubiks cube on his table, and began twisting the cubes. He always does it whenever he's in deep thought or needs more concentration on something. The way she uttered those words, it was evident that she knew something, and Hyde needed to dig deeper into it.

Needed to change his pace, the young detective left the office and went to the nearby cafe to get a dose of caffeine in his system. The chimes clung as soon as he swung open the cafe door and strolled towards the counter.

"Double shots of espresso, and a slice of cheesecake, please." He ordered and left the counter to find a vacant seat beside the window. 

About a few minutes after he was seated, the cafe staff came to deliver his orders. He then started to have a bite of the cake and sipped on his coffee. The sun had already set and the sky began to dim as he looked at the cars and other vehicles occupying the highway. His eyes fixed outside, Detective Hyde couldn't help but recall Ms. Brown's words.

Hyde grabbed the notepad and a pen from his pocket and began jotting down information that could connect to the case, from the data he gathered at the crime scene to the response of the people he had questioned.

Aside from the wound that caused her excessive blood loss and eventually brought her death, Natalie's blood contained a high level of MDMA which might increased her vulnerability to resist the murderer and be killed easily. Moreover, there were no traces of forced entry which means that the killer might've known the killer. Her friend Danica also shared something about the victim being stalked by someone. And Bridgette Brown's ill-will relationship with the victim.

And that black bird figurine...

Was it just a coincidence?


"You dumbass, what have you done?..."

"But it doesn't mean I want her dead!..."

"W-What do mean?..."

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