Holy Shit

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****Nik's Dream****

"I can help!" Ally said exasperated from the old living room of the Salvatore Boarding house. Seeing it back in its old form was a bit odd after seeing the school but it was filled with a lot of memories. Niklaus walked to the living room following her voice and Damon's as they talked. "No, you can't!" Damon said back making Ally huff and stomp her foot. When Niklaus saw her She was heavily pregnant, her hair was back to its long curls, and she was in a white sundress. "Damon come on just let me do something!" She whined stomping over (waddling over) to where he was as he was reading through grimoires. "You are making humans, that is the something you are doing until they pop out of you." He said with a smirk making her roll her eyes as she goes to pick up a particularly heavy book. Niklaus goes to try and stop her but Damon beats him to it, not that he could actually help her anyways. "No-" "Damon its just a book!" "No it's a heavy book." "Damon come on-" "No." "But-" "No!" Then a pain expression is on her face making her let go of the book and Damon pulls it away from her as he rants about her safety. "Damon." She says but he continues ranting thinking that she just wants to keep arguing. "Dames..." She says again before a particularly harsh contraction hits and there's a trickle of clear liquid going down her leg. "Damon my water is breaking!" She screams hunched over in pain.

Niklaus had only felt this terrified once before, when Hope was born. "Shit, okay um okay I'll call Joe, Care, and Kristie, let's get you to your room." Damon takes out his phone as he carried her to her room in the boarding house. "AH!!! This hurts!!" She says her eyes glowing red as she nearly crushes Damon's shoulder in her grip. Niklaus was a mess, forced to be a shadow as he watched the love of his life go through this pain and reliving his daughters birth. "Hey I need you guys to- Care-Caroline-CAROLINE SHE'S IN LABOUR! Yes, now you three get your asses down here and help her deliver my niece and nephew!"Damon screams into the phone before hanging up and focusing all his attention on Ally who was doing her labour breathing while leaning on her hands on the bed. Niklaus was there, rubbing her back trying to whisper encouragements that she would never hear. The whole time there was a part of him that was envious and a large part that was angry. Envious of the father of her children, of Damon being by her side as she gave birth. Angry that both men were in positions he should have been in, that he would have been in. 

"Damon help me on the bed please." Ally's shaky voice said and the smell of blood started wafting through the air. "There's something wrong." Both Niklaus and Damon said at the same time. "Get me on the bed. Damon." She pleaded knowing that there was something wrong, feeling that there was something wrong. Damon helped her get situated and in a comfortable position as a brunette doctor, Caroline and Kristie all showed up carrying equipment. "We got here as fast as we could." Caroline said setting down the medical bag in her hands as she rushed to Ally's side. "There's something wrong." Niklaus said but no one heard him. "Your bleeding already, and a lot." The doctor said as she looked under Ally's dress. "I know, Jo, we knew this was a high risk pregnancy months ago. I can do this." Ally said. "High risk what does she mean high risk?" Damon asked and Nik echoed as Jo began hooking Ally up to different machines to monitor her heart rate and contractions. Kristie and Caroline were acting as nurses while Damon was by Ally's side.

"The twins have been taking a lot of nutrients from her, too much even. She's been doubling up on her vitamins and supplements but they are also supernatural which comes with its own onslaught of issues." Jo explained as Ally groaned in pain. "What are you saying Jo?" Caroline asked and Ally gave a shaky answer. "That I might die having them." Niklaus' world stopped and he had to remember that this was just a dream, she's alive but the sickening feeling of almost losing her and not even knowing brought tears to his eyes. "What?! No, but then that means..." Kristie starts but is interrupted by Ally's screams. Jo quickly goes to check how dilated she is her hand covered in too much blood as she draws it back and tell's Ally to start pushing.

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