chapter 1

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The school bell rang, signaling all of the kids to go home, except for you. You had a tutoring session with your all-time favorite teacher, Mr.Baldi. And on top of that, you have an hour of detention. You reached into your bag and grabbed your notebook. There was no use in leaving the class to fuck around, it would just waste more time. 

Mr.Baldi was erasing the writing from the chalkboard before he turned around and started the private lesson. He clasped his hands together and smiled. "I'm so happy to be doing our favorite subject, math!" You rolled your eyes at his enthusiasm for the worlds worst subject ever. You were in middle school, and you could barely do long division. 

You rested your head on your fist and sighed. You watched him grab a large folder full of papers, then walk over to your desk. "I hope you're ready, because I know I am!" he cheered. 

"Jesus Christ..." You opened your notebook to a bunch of unfinished equations. You didn't really have a good time the last tutoring session...long story short, it lasted only one minute. 

"I hope this time we can make it to the end without a distraction!" He said. You watched him open the folder and bring out a couple of papers. "We should finish the problems from last week. I know you wouldn't want those problems piling up like that. Personally, I wouldn't mind, I love math!"

You pinched the bridge of your nose and slumped in your seat. This was going to be hell and you know it. "Lets start here." he pointed to the first equation in your notebook. You sat up slowly and tried to follow along. Doing math equations with Baldi was like chewing on freshly laid asphalt. It fucking sucked.

After a good three minutes, you two got the first equation done. "Wasn't too bad, right?" he asked. You didn't answer. You stared up at the ceiling in dread. There was still five more of these questions, right on top of the new equations he initially planned for today. You didn't want to have to do them next week. In fact, you didn't want to do them at all.

I mean, who else besides Baldi wants to do some dumbass math equations all day? That's just stupid. You squeezed the pencil in your hand tightly in frustration. Baldis voice was starting to piss you off, and the questions just kept getting harder. "So what do you think we have to do next?" That was it. You needed to leave. 

You pulled your chair away and got up. "Can I use the bathroom?" You asked, the feeling of agitation got more intense each second. Baldi just laughed, which left you confused. 

"That's not the next step Y/N, now sit down and finish this equation." He roughly grabbed your arm and pulled you back into the chair. You grumbled as you grabbed your pencil and continued to finish the problem.

"Great!" He cheered you on as you answered correctly. You've never gotten a question wrong around him. Because every single time you do an equation, he's there to baby you and be your cheerleader. You two sat and got the rest of the questions done.

He had to help you with every single step. You still didn't understand the equations, even after you went through every single step countless times. 

You were beginning to think you were autistic or something. You seriously were incapable of learning math. You knew you were screwed as soon as he stops helping you. Your grades are gonna plummet, and you'll be held back. 

You sigh in relief as soon as you get the first set of questions done. It was finally out of the way, no longer a problem. Unfortunately, you had a whole new set of completely different problems to solve. He gave you a smirk and pulled out a large packet, followed by a few papers chock full of equations for you to copy down in your notebook. 

Sometimes, you just wished you could cast a spell to get it all done in a second. You groaned loudly and flipped to a fresh page in your notebook. Your face heated up when you landed on a page full of drawings. "Uh- whoops... There." You finally found a blank page. You covered your reddened face as you copied the equations down. 

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