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1 year after....

I sighed as I stepped out of the Bentley na sumundo samin at the airport. A warm breeze welcomed me as I stare at the structure in front of me. This was where it all begun, I thought as I took the time to process everything that's currently happening.

"Ma'am Behatti, the butlers and I will be carrying yours and your children's bags to your room." I was pulled out of day dreaming with one of my family's drivers, manong Saturno.

I turned to him and smiled, "Sige po, manong. Thank you."

He bowd at me before signaling the butlers, who were patiently waiting on the side of the grand staircase of the mansion's grand main entrance, to come and proceed with bringing all of our things to my old room.

Ganon pa rin kaya ang itsura non?

I turned to my months old twins, who were peacefully sleeping inside the car. I smiled softly as my heart melted at the thought that they'd be going in to the place where I grew up. Where their mother became a woman.

I bent down and went inside to unbuckle their car seats. I carefully and securely brought them out of the car and to wards the main door of the mansion.

I was immediately greeted by the maids and butlers that were in the welcoming porch, I smiled at them, they were kind of busy though.

I greeted them until my eyes shifted to a tall, well-built man that was standing beside the shelf that was also right beside the grand staircase going to the second floor of the mansion.

His height, his built, his beard, his eyes, his hair, his stance, his silhouette, his smell, I know it all too well. Too well that it sent me shivers all over my body.

Fuck, he still got this effect on me....

Our eyes locked, I gulped. His face was grim, but mine was pale beneath the bluch and lipstick I put on. His gaze then went down to the two car seats I was holding, his blue eyes turning into pain, anger, disbelief, and love. I felt my knees weakened and so my arms as well.

"Excuse me dear, please do be a darling and get them to mother. I believe mom is looking for them." I somehow managed to utter, despite the forming lump in my throat.

"Masusunod po, ma'am Behatti"

"Please do be careful. They get cranky kapag na di-disturb sa tulog." I added, and the maid said,

The maids carried my children carefully towards the other direction, to probably where my mother is waiting. And then I saw him stride towards me.

I wanted to step back, I want to stop him from coming in. His presence is so intense it makes me quiver.

"You kept them from me." He growled in a low voice,


"Don't deny it!"

There was no use of denying. My children js a spitting image of him, only with silver-locks because of my genes.

"I'm sorry—"

"No. I don't want your apologies.... I want you, and our kids..."

"No, you can't."


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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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