Part 4

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Subject: Congratulations! You Have Been Selected for the Audition Results

Dear Y/N,

I hope this email finds you well.

I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected for the next round of auditions. Your performance was exceptional, and the jury was impressed by your talent and unique voice.
We would like to invite you to the training session, which will be starting next week at [8a.m] at our studio. Please confirm your availability for the mentioned date and time by replying to this email.

Once again, congratulations on your selection, and we look forward to seeing you at the next round of auditions.

Best regards,

Team Bighit


Dear Team Bighit ,

Thank you so much for the wonderful news! I am thrilled and honored to have been selected for the next round of auditions.

I am absolutely available for the training session next week at 8 a.m. and I am looking forward to it with great enthusiasm.

Once again, thank you for this incredible opportunity, and I can't wait to see you all at the studio!

Best regards,


(Your best friend replied to the mail and jumped in excitement to hug you. You both were really happy so you went out to celebrate )

You: where are we going Sherbear?

Sharon: in just few minutes you'll see

You: (in her mind) why is she always like that. Ugh its annoying

(20 minutes later)

Sharon: finally we are here.

You look at the cafe. The cafe I have always wanted to go to. Its the Magnate omg did she really bring me here. I was just starring at what looks like a dream when she tapped my shoulder and signed me to get inside.

Sharon: I know what you are thinking.

You both in unison: oh god Sharr you remembered? (Both laugh)

Sharon: of course I remember sweetheart that you wanted to come here since the day we planned on coming to Korea.

You: omg I love you bitch . This is the best day ever . I love you i love youuu

Sharon: now get inside my queen the treat is on me . Eat whatever you want and love me 

You both enter inside the cafe and as soon as you step in you see the beautiful cool tone lights and a vanilla sent hit your nose. You take a deep breath and let the fresh aroma of the cafe sit in and then explore each and every corner of the cafe . You both enjoy coffee, rainbow vanilla cake,croissant sandwich and tiramisu cheese cake .

You: thank you Sharon I really loved it.

Sharon: now you are being formal.

You: (mimicking the same ) fine I'll not be formal I will be me.( starts hugging her )

Sharon: tell me one thing  what would you do if your trainer is Hobi?

You: o come on BTS members are too busy for all this. I'm sure he won't be my trainer . I'd be grateful if I even get a chance to take a quick look at them.

Sharon : ya you are right but Omg y/n you are going to work in the same company as them.

You: i still have pass all the training sessions .

Sharon: I know you'll get it.

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