chapter 8"why would he want to talk to me?"

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(two more chapters and this will be done and pls don't hate the last chapter)

Soon solar woke up and at first she was stubborn like her mom but soon she warm up to shockwave and soon she heard him out she was currently in her human form playing Jumanji the board game.(I used to play it a lot when I was little) "HOW ARE YOU ALWAYS WINNING!" lawheart asked as starjump just shrugged her shoulder "I don't know".

Medout's POV:
"Hey Star why don't you talk to heatwave?" I asked solar "you loco in the cabeza?" (don't you hate it when you forget how to spell certain words?) solar asked me "what no I'm not- lawheart tell her I'm not loco in the cabeza" I tried to get lawheart to help me out.

Leather's POV:
After star said that medout was crazy I was laughing my aft off "hey if she says your loco in the cabeza then you're loco in the cabeza" and I still couldn't stop laughing "I am not crazy in the head!"medout yelled at the both of us we couldn't stop laughing I was glad to see that star was beginning to forget about the'incident' "both of y'all are loco in the cabeza" medout told us "no we're not!".

(Time skip)

Girls spent the rest of the day arguing on who was truly loco in the cabeza star said one day she'll talk to the heatwave again so the girls would stop nagging her about it. But she was still too scared too and missions kept coming up she never truly found the time everyone kept trying to convince her to go but she never listened she was just too scared to

(M:Two more chapters you only have too much chapters left and then you're done!
Lawheart: are you seriously talking to yourself?
M: I will glitch slap you)

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