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•Theo PoV•
It's been days... 2 going on 3 if my mind has not failed me in these days. I'm still no closer to finding her, its like she dropped off the face of the planet.
The crew found the plates on the SUV matched that of a rental of a local vendor but when they went to be questioned they had no actual record because "it was a good buddy" with a bogus name of which we found out later. They went again to ask about this information and the business was closed, the owners have yet to come back. Digging into the property owners they had no background, no properties, no vehicles. Just poof. Gone.

No one else has any information from the area from that time of night. For being a Friday there was just no one around and it pissed Theo off so bad because someone, anyone should've been in the area.

He replays the morning after she went missing like it just happened....
Telling Anna was one of the hardest things he's ever had to do because after years he sees her as a little sister and knew just how much Hazel meant to her. Which is why he waited as long as he could before tipping that scale with Hazel because he really didn't want to ruin his and Anna's relationship....but the heart wants what it wants right?
Seeing Anna break down hitting on him full of tears broke him. And knowing now that it's been 3 days with no leads makes it hurt worse because Anna trusted him to keep their girl safe and he feels like he couldn't even do that one task. Anna has been on his ass every few hours every day asking for updates, he can't reply anymore with no good news to give.

His room is destroyed, glass and ripped papers, drawers broken, mirrors shattered...he was breaking down not knowing where his Hazel is. He makes orders from his room, refuses to give anyone the time of day. A far wall is dedicated to being a detective board with yarn and tacks going every which way.

They had a couple busts on a rival they'd just done a few months prior that kept bugging him but he has made himself rule them out because all their Intel said they were checkmate still and haven't made any moves at all. But what's bugging him is their lutenant... Zane Draven. He was a force when they started out together. He holds a grudge to death and always waits for the perfect time to hit, its why Theos crew got them first. Theo had Intel that Zane was gonna make a power move from within his clan and come after Theo. So he ordered a move on the Draven clan before they could against his family, he ended up taking out their father and aunt before raiding their stashes. Theo had a bunch of their assets burned down in the days following their hit on the Dravens.
Although it makes perfect sense he couldn't rationalize another hit on them when every bit of information says they haven't breathed so to speak.
If he can't find who took her.... he's worried they'll never find her and that's been killing him. It's why he can't sleep and is watching the Dravens last known ghost hub via satellite but nothing has happened yet.

Hazels lost track of time here, the sun doesn't stay long when she's awake and the nights go even faster with her injuries still healing.
Shes ate just enough to make Zane happy with her but she throws it up after he leaves with her trays worried it's laced or poisoned.

It's what seems to be midday and Zanes yet to be here, not that Hazel cares at all she's just happy to hear the birds today but is odd. He has come every few hours she assumes by the frequency since she's been here but not once today yet, so that's a bit odd.
When she falls asleep for what she feels is merely minutes, she gets startled with the door flying open and 3 masked men with whips stare at her while walking in, closing the door behind them.
"So this is the bitch he keeps talking about" the tall one with a super stained husky voice says as she fearfully backs up to the back corner.
"Yep. Bitch broke my fucking tooth too" another said which she immediately was able to identify as Ember.
"How hard are we allowed to go?", the husky man asked him.
"She still has to be able to walk" Ember snorts giving Hazel the angriest eyes she has ever seen.
"Alright" the third and shortest said as they all started in on her.
Fear instantly struck Hazel, she waited to see who was coming in first and tried to fight her way to the door to yell for Zane but she didn't get very far.... after a couple strong hits to Embers face and one on the larger male, the short stack got her down to the floor with a whip hit to the corner of her spine on her shoulder. Hazel starts screaming through the blows, "ZANEEEE!" She repeatedly calls out begging for someone to save her from being beat to death. Steroid man gave a large blow by kicking her in her stomach causing her to convulse up a dribble of blood before he grabbed her as hard as he can on same said shoulder tossing her like flour into the wall. "Zanneeeeeeeeee!" Hazel screams as loud as she can, seeing spots,as her life depended on it.

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