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serafall after a very thorough investigation learned that kuroka was in fact innocent and that the nebiros member was experimenting on his pieces and was planning to experiment on kuroka's sister

sirzechs learning this immediately cleared kuroka of all charges and let the entire underworld know it, kuroka's sister was recruited by his own sister, he wasn't entirely sure how kuroka would react to that but it was still his duty to attempt to mend bridges, so he gathered serafall and ajuka and they made their way to shinji's island, they went slow enough to allow for shinji to prepare his defenses they weren't there to fight and so it wouldn't be good to catch the man off guard, sirzechs saw that he was in his so called 'king form'

"lucifer, i see you brought less with you this time, i assume they are also significantly stronger as well, quality over quantity" i said

"we aren't here to fight, i followed your suggestion and had an investigation made, and kuroka is now cleared of all charges" sirzechs said

"why should i believe you" i asked

"how can we prove our sincerity" serafall asked, as she stepped up

"i am serafall leviathan, i am in charge of foreign affairs" she said

"i am ajuka beelzebub, the head inventor of the underworld" ajuka said, i disengaged my transformation

"if i bring you to here, you swear that what you say is true" i asked

"i swear" serafall said, speaking for her colleagues, i gestured for them to follow and led the way to the command bridge of the nirvales

"nova, take us back to port, inform kongō we have guests" i said

"understood" nova said

"is that an AI" ajuka asked, i nodded

"one of several within my employ" i said

we soon docked again, and i led them to kongō who was waiting

"they are here to meet my passenger i assume" kongō asked i nodded, she led the way to kuroka's temporary quarters i knocked

"come in" kuroka said, i opened the door, and kuroka smiled at seeing me that smile vanished as she blanched at seeing not one but three satans

"miss kuroka on behalf of the underworld i extend our sincerest apologies, you have been cleared of all charges, and are free, your stray status has been revoked" sirzechs said quickly seeing the fearful look from the girl, kuroka hesitantly sat back down

"you aren't joking" she asked

"you are still under my protection, so if they try to take or harm you, they declare war upon me and i will no longer be sitting on my island i will be actively attacking them, to either get you back or avenge you" i said

"noted" sirzechs said dryly, i shrugged

"we wished to meet you, and inform you of this, Mr....." sirzechs trailed off

"shinji ikari" i said

"Mr. ikari, would you be willing to lead us somewhere more comfortable" sirzechs asked

"i'll take you to my office" i said, as i led the way there once everyone was seated with me behind my desk, mari and kuroka sitting on one couch the three devils sitting on another

"right first, kuroka, i wish to inform you that your sister has been recruited into my sister's peerage, so i will make this guarantee to you now, your sister will be well cared for, and you are more then welcome to come visit her at any time" sirzechs said

"i want to be the one to train her" kuroka said

"very well, that can be arranged" sirzechs said

"that comes to you, you may return to the underworld, we can help you find a new peerage if you wish to have that protection" serafall said

"i prefer my current protection under, commander ikari" kuroka said

"kuroka i do not intend to have someone freeloading on my home" i said

"i never said i wouldn't serve you in return for your protection, commander" she said, smiling

"fine, you will do everything i ask of you and in return my protection and power is yours" i said

"thank you" kuroka said

"that brings us to you then, commander" serafall said

"oh" i asked

"we would like to form an alliance between the devils and you" serafall said

"what do you want from me" i asked

"what don't we want, that armor you used would make you a great knight or rook, your fleet is quite impressive in and of itself and that not to say anything about what sirzechs has told us about those drones or that pink goliath" serafall said

"ah the evangelions" i said

"i would very much like to study your technology, commander" ajuka said

"what do i get in return" i asked

"what do you want" sirzechs asked, i paused

"i place to belong, but not in a peerage, i have been used too much by this point to allow myself back into such a position" i said, the three devils looked at each other

"you could become an extra devil" sirzechs said

"go on" i asked

"extra devils, are pure-blooded devils not a part of the 72 pillars, the mammon-clan has recently gone extinct you can take on their name after being reincarnated, through use of a ritual" sirzechs said

"hmm, i'm not sure it'd work" i said

"why do you say that" ajuka asked

"because i am not human, well by your standards anyway" i said

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