No. 2

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Saturo Gojo was swift to send Emiri and Megumi on their first mission. As both were grade 2 sorcerers, therefore were allowed to go on missions by themselves. Throughout Emiri's first morning at Jujutsu High, Gojo explained cursed objects and corpses to her. Emiri knew about cursed energy and curses, but the rest of the sorcerer world she had refused to learn about.

Gojo informed about cursed objects and corpses. Gojo went on to explain Sukana's fingers, twenty special-grade cursed objects, and the first-years were sent to find one.

Grasping the idea of an ancient sorcerer who lived over a thousand years ago with four arms was tough for Emiri. The King of Curses lived during the golden age of jujutsu as a man with four arms. All twenty fingers were cut off and mummified after his death, classified as special-grade cursed objects.

She struggled with the idea of his twenty fingers scattered across the world as she traveled with Meguim to Sendai City. They had been ordered to Sugisawa High School to recover one of Sukan's fingers. The day stretched on as the four-hour train ride felt unbearable for the two sorcerers.

Emiri fidgeted in her seat, trying to wrap her head around the concept of ancient sorcerers and cursed objects. Megumi, sitting beside her, seemed more composed, his expression focused as he stared out of the train window.

"You okay?" Megumi asked softly, noticing her discomfort.

Emiri shot Megumi a glare, irritated by his concern.

"I'm fine," she snapped, her tone sharp.

Megumi raised an eyebrow, taken aback by her hostility.

"Alright, suit yourself," he replied coolly, turning his attention back to the passing scenery outside.

The atmosphere between them grew tense as they sat in silence, each lost in their thoughts. Emiri couldn't help but resent Megumi's calm demeanor, feeling as though he was looking down on her.

"Why are you always so smug?" Emiri muttered under her breath, unable to contain her frustration any longer.

"Excuse me?" Megumi's head snapped towards her, his eyes flashing with annoyance.

"You heard me," Emiri retorted, her voice dripping with disdain. "You act like you're better than everyone else like you have all the answers. Shit, I mean, you've been smug since you were ten."

Megumi's jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin.

"I'm just trying to focus on the mission, Emiri. Maybe if you stopped whining this train ride wouldn't be so painful. We do have to work together, don't you know that?"

"I know we need to work together, Megumi. But it's hard when you act like you know everything and don't listen to anyone else."

"We haven't seen each other in years, you don't know me," Megumi's expression hardened. "I'm just trying to do my job, Emiri."

Emiri clenched her fists, struggling to contain her anger. She knew Megumi was right, but her pride wouldn't let her admit it. With a frustrated sigh, she turned away, staring out of the window as the train rumbled on towards their destination. The tension between them hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their mission.

Emiri and Megumi's dislike for each other stemmed from a clash of personalities and conflicting approaches to their work as sorcerers, Gojo knew this. Why else would he place them together?

Emiri knew from where she had come. A childhood of horrors, a background of wickedness, cruelty, and death. She resented Megumi for what she perceived him as, a prestigious, privileged brat. She felt belittled by his calm demeanor and his apparent confidence in his abilities, which she interpreted as condescension.

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