{ 1: Butters }

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NOTE: I am british, so the words used will be British

Short Butters pov:

I normally hang out with Tweek and his friends, but I've recently become really good friends with Eric! He isn't the nicest, but I don't mind!

Narrator pov:




Butters groans as he presses the button, silencing his piercing alarm. The sound of ringing annoyed him. He adjusted his eyes to the light, squinting them until the light didn't hurt as much.

Once he was used to the light, he stood up from his bed, stretching while doing so. He wasn't excited to go to school, but at least Eric was there.

He slipped on a pair of brown cargos, along with a baby-blue t-shirt and a blue jacket since it was a cold.

"Eh, it'll do,"

He grabbed his phone, bags, and keys and ran downstairs, hearing his mum scream his name from downstairs, calling him for breakfast.

He rushed even more down the stairs, almost tripping. Luckily, he saved himself in time and jumped onto the floor.


He ran over to the table, jumped in his chair, and instantly started gobbling up the pancakes his mum just placed down.

"Someone has a lot of energy."
His mum giggled.

Butters couldn't talk with the pancakes stuffed in his mouth and could only manage to let out a small muffle and nod.

He quickly started chomping onto the pancakes, swallowing them shortly after, and ran to the door.


"Oh yeah! Thanks, mum!"

Butters put his shoes on, just a normal pair of vans, and then ran out the door, also saying goodbye to his parents.

"How does he have so much energy..?"
His mum mutters to herself before washing the dishes.


Butters sprints to the bus stop. He sees Cartman standing there, so he walks over, waving slightly.

"H-hey Eric!"

He earns a slight groan from Eric.

'Oh, maybe he's just tired...'

Butters smiled and stood by him before 3 other people came and started talking to Cartman.

Butters had seen these people many times before, never actually gaining the confidence to even try and talk to them, though.

He sighs and rests his head low, kicking his leg forward and back until he hears the sound of a bus stopping. His head jolts up, and he instantly rushes onto the bus.

He takes a seat near the front, watching as the 4 people (Eric, stan, Kyle, and Kenny) walk on. his eyes dart from one to another. He can see Cartman whisper something to them, and they- huh?

Butters pov:

They sit on the row next to me, Cartman and two other boys sit on the three seater while I sit on the two seater next to them... I look at them and see one of them sit by me, a flush of confusion and horror filled me. I looked to see who it was, but all I could see was a brightly coloured orange parka.

I noticed I was staring too much and looked away at the window. I couldn't be caught staring at them.

The whole ride was just me zoning out into my own thoughts..

Until the bus stopped, I wouldn't have realised if there wasn't a tap at my shoulder, my head turned on instincts, and I saw the guy in the orange parka, he looks down at me and I look away, blushing in embarrassment.

"You okay? You looked out of your world there."
He breaks the silence

"O-oh yeah.. thanks."
I smiled awkwardly and stood up, grabbing my bag with me and got off the bus. When I do, I see Cartman waving me over, then whispering something to the boy in the blue and red poofball hat.

Class was about to start in.. 30 minutes. So I walked over and said hello, he introduced me to 2 boys, one was wearing a green ushanka, the other was the blue and red poofball fella. Where was the one with the orange parka? I think I've seen him in some of my classes, I think his name is Kenny? I'm not too sure, though. It's rude to ask.

We started talking to each other until the bell rings, me and the green hat dude realised we had the same class, so we walked with each other.


He talked, this is so embarrassing.. and awkward.

"You don't have to be afraid of talking, yknow. You should be more afraid talking to the fatass than me, trust me."


"Sorry, I'm not used to talking to new people, I guess? Also, sorry for asking, but who is 'fatass'?"

A small chuckle escapes his lips. He looks at me and sets a hand on my shoulder.

"Cartman. He may seem good, but you better keep an eye out. Take my word for it. Anyway, we are here."

He smiles and opens the door for me, I thank him quietly and rush over to my seat, a thousand questions flooding my head all at once.

'What does he mean?'

'Fatass isn't a very nice word to call someone..'

'Should I worry?'

'Was he just trying to scare me?'

'Do I trust him?'

And many more.

☆ Time skip and the bell rings ☆

Everyone rushes out of the class, including me. Math is so boring, but I still have to pay attention to get good grades, or else I'll get grounded.. again.


I'm not the best at writing, so uh yeah, sorry 😢

Words: 935

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