Hate part 2

408 2 1

Tw  not eating body shaming


Hanging out with @walker

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Hanging out with @walker.scobell


User876 fat ugly rat

User654 she's so pretty
^user1098 she's ugly

Dior.goodjohn pretty
^y/n.y/l/n so are you

Walker.scobell. My beautiful girl 🫶🏻
^y/n.y/l/n Aw I love you

User 9865 she's fat

User 7644 not skinny enough

Walker pov

I haven't herd for my/n in a week it's unlike her I trued texting her and calling her but she's not answering

I decided to go to her house

I know on the door

Her mom answers

"Hi y/m/n is y/n home" I ask

"Yes and she's been sad all week she hasn't talk to me" her mom said letting me in I go to her room and knock on the door

"Go away mom" she said

"It's walker"

Y/n pov

"Its walker" he said

I open the door

"What do you want?" I asked

"Why have you been ignoring everyone y/n " walker said

"I.....I...." I start crying

He hugged me

"Y/n what's wrong"

I let him in my room and I sat on my bed

" people are commenting on my body" I say

"What" walker said mad

"And I've maybe been. Starving myself" I said crying waving more

"Y-y/n why?"

"Why? Maybe because keep saying I'm not perfect for you witch I agree Because you are perfect but still a feeling  this would happen I knew I would get your stupid jealous fangirls saying mean stuff" I said

"1. You are perfect for me 2. You're beautiful 3. Don't listen to them y/ n I love you for you" walker said hugging me again

"And don't ever starve yourself again" he said

" yeah...

"Y/n you haven't eaten anything today have you"


"Then where going on a date" he said smileing

"Where to" I asked

"Surpris" she said


Took @y/n

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Took @y/n.y/l/n on a date


Leena scobell  y/s/n for life

Y/n.y/l/n he wouldn't let me pay again🙄
^walker.scobell y/n I never let you pay get used to it

Dior.goodjohn aw

User876 no she's a rat
^walker.scobell no she's beautiful

User567 ahhh my fav couple
^user123 same

Hey guys just know you are beautiful and don't listen to anyone also like Taylor Swift says

The hater gonna hate hate hate

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