Not eating

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Tw: not eating fainting btw you and walker are dating

Pjo cast

L want to hang out

W sure

D yess

C ok

A yeah

Y ok

L meet at mine

We are all at Leah's hanging out

I started to feel a bit dizzy I knew walker knows

Walkers pov

Y/n looks like she's going to faint I have a feeling she's starving herself again I really worried

"Wanna order something to eat" Dior asked

I looked at y/n she looks scared she is definitely not eating

Y/n pov

I started to panic I stood up and then everything went black

Walker Pov

Y/n fainted

"Get help now" I said going to y/n

"What's wrong with her" Aryan asked

" I-i think she's starving herself again" I said

Y/n Pov

I woke up in the hospital

"What happened" I asked


Tears in my eyes because none knew that I was

" y/m/n can I talk to y/ n alone please?" Walker asked

"Ok" my mom said walking out the room

" why y/n why are you starving yourself again?" Walker said really sad

" I-I not skinny enough walk people are right I'm just fa-

"Don't every day that y/n your perfect" walker said

"Yeah how would you know your just a stupid boy" I said then I realised what I said

"Walker I'm sorry"

"Who made you starve yourself y/n I know it was someone" he said

"The boys in are class" I whispered

"I'm going to kill them" he said

"With what your fake sord from your show?" I said joking

"Haha very funny not" he said then hugged me
"I love you" I said

"I love you too" he said back

Heyyy guys never starve yourself

Here's a picture of walker because why not

Here's a picture of walker because why not

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His ocean blue eyes 😍😍

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