30. Traffic Jam 2/4

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Your group of headmage ordered detectives were making rounds around the hallways of the school, Riddle was leading everyone to a classroom, you were practically just being dragged by Yuu as you still didn't have a lot of energy to be running around. But you were getting to it.

Stopping at a classroom, you all intruded without regard, Riddle stopped directly in front of the desk the culprit was sitting at, the blonde's body was bent over the surface as he used his arms as a cushion.

Ruggie looked up at him with a slightly frown, "huh? Oh, it's you guys again" he said, the bored tone made the Heartslabyul head furrow his eyebrows, "Ruggie Bucchi, we would like to ask you some questions surrounding the recent uprising of student injuries..!" Riddle pointed a finger at the hyena, making his bored expression to one of neutrality.

"Uhhh, that doesn't sounds like a pleasant convo..." Ruggie looked to the side, examining the entourage that Riddle had decided to ambush him with, his eyes stopping at you for a split second, sitting upright at the sudden shock that you were here.

You straightened your posture from behind Riddle, making the blonde male physically a bit more tense, "Alright, just drop the intimidation act," Ruggie stood up from his desk, walking outside the classroom as you all followed, no one could miss the burning gaze that Riddle held against the beastmen.

"Now Ruggie, I don't want you to take this personally, but I'm going to have to use my spell on you during the interrogation," Riddle explained, but even at the mention of the use of Riddle's very well skilled unique spell, he doesn't bat an eyelash, in fact, the boy shrugs.

"Oh? How ya gonna use magic without your magic pen hmm?" Ruggie smirked, your eyebrows widened as you felt for your own magical wand. 'That pick pocketing shit!' You thought to yourself as you padded all over your pockets, only to feel nothing.

"That bitch! He took our pens!" You called out, getting into an offensive stance, ready to pounce on this hoe, everyone around you started to pat their pockets as well, panic striking their faces as they don'T feel it on them.

Ruggie's usual laidback expression dropped as his eyes widened in slight fear of your sharp glare, "After him!" You barked, your missing pen had fully awaken you and you dart off.

Riddle and the others collectively yell at you and Ruggie to get back here, but you don't care, you paused for a second and turned your head, glaring at your two upperclassmen.

"Do any of you know a transformation spell?!" You yelled out, the two's shoulders squared, then you remember that their magical pens were just stolen, you gritted your teeth, feeling your fang prick your lip as you manifested your own Hellborn magic.

Your fingers clawed open before clamping shut, a long, sickly pink colored ribbon spawned out of nowhere behind you, as you wiggled your fingers, it spun in place, thickening it and giving the ribbon the feeling and power of a rope.

Seeing that the rope seemed to thicken enough, you started running off again, seeing and hearing that Cater and Riddle were trying to catch up to your high speed, your eyebrows propped up when you spotted a certain duo.

"Man, was- Velvette?! What're you-"

"CATCH THAT HYENA BITCH," you yelled, making both Deuce and Ace whip their heads to the direction that you're running towards to, "You're seriously gonna drag us into this?!" Ace questioned, seeing you drawing closer, he crossed his arms but his blue haired counterpart seemed to have other plans.

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