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The next day, just as Sugawara was finishing up his volleyball club, he saw a familiar girl on the doorway. However, Nishinoya already caught her attention just as she went through the doorway.

"Hey! I haven't seen you around here before!" Nishinoya checked her out before introducing himself. "I'm Nishinoya, Karasuno's best libero!" he claimed proudly.

The girl bowed with respect, "Nice to meet yo—"

"Morimoto-san?" Sugawara smiled as he made his way over to where she was. Chio's eyes brightened when she found Sugawara jogging and smiled.

"Good evening, Sugawara-san."

Nishinoya looked at Sugawara and scrunched his face. "Suga-san, you knew of such beauty and you daren't say anything about it?! You just want her to yourself, huh!" he scoffed playfully, trying to tease his senior.

Sugawara's cheeks darkened in a red hue, so did Morimoto. She fixed her throat slightly to catch his attention away from Nishinoya's no-filter comments.

"Noya!! Work on your receives!!"

Nishinoya groaned as the coach yelled at him but still winked at Chio before leaving to play at court. Sugawara was annoyed at how flirty he was acting towards Chio even though its his literal personality. But somehow he felt more of this pang of jealousy rise in his chest.

Chio opened her mouth to speak.

"So... um... when do you usually finish volleyball?" she asked.

"I'll be done in twenty minutes. You can watch from the bleachers— wait I'll show you!" Sugawara smiled and guided the girl upstairs where the Karasuno bleachers were. Chio looked down to the court with amazement and flung her arms on the railing.

"Your gym is quite nice— a bit stuffy but nice." She commented as she compared her dance gym and the volleyball gym. "Is that blond guy from the steamed meat bun store?" Chio asked, looking at a guy in all red.

"Oh you mean coach Ukai?" Sugawara smiled. "Yep, he is."

"You should probably get going. I'll wait for you to finish your practice." Chio said, after watching the coach look around for Sugawara in the crowd.

Sugawara nodded, flashing an energetic smile at her before going down.

Chio watched Sugawara play and noticed he was mainly a setter, much like Oikawa. She watched the Karasuno volleyball players go up against each other on two sides of the court, smashing the yellow-blue-white Mikasa balls to the opposing sides.

As Chio started reminiscing her memories at Aoba Johsai her phone rang in her back pocket. Her slender fingers trailed over the device and held it against her ear.


"Hello, it's Iwaizumi."

Chio's cheeks blushed red.

"Iwaizumi?! U-uh, how are you?" She smiled brightly against the device as she held the phone against her other ear.

The guy on the other line chuckled, "I'm good. How are you? How's Karasuno?" he asked.

A loud whistle echoed through the gymnasium and the sound of rubber shoes hitting the floor increased. The ballerina girl held the phone closer and covered the bottom of her phone with her palm, trying to lessen the sound for Iwaizumi.

"I'm doing well. Karasuno um... it's new and different." She mumbled.

"Different is good though. I bet you'll have memorable moments there." He paused for a minute before asking, "Are you playing volleyball?"

Chio stammered, "N-No no no! Ha.... I'm waiting for my friend!"

Iwaizumi hummed, "It's getting late though, get home safe—"


Iwaizumi heard Sugawara call for her name as it echoes through the gymnasium.

"My friend finished his club. Um, Iwa-kun, I'll text you..?" Chio asked. She relaxed when she heard Iwaizumi give a confirming hum.

"Alright, see you later." Iwaizumi said before Chio could hang out.

Sugawara reached the top of the bleachers with a smile on his face. "Hey, I just finished. Did you like the practice match?" he asked with hope in his eyes.

To be fair, she barely saw anything during the time she was on a call with Iwaizumi.

However, she smiled instead, giving encouraging words to Sugawara.

"Yeah, you guys were great." she smiled.

The boy laughed awkwardly, "Thanks."

"Should I wait at the door while you change?" Chio asked, looking at his wet, sweaty T-shirt. Sugawara brushed through his wet hair and nodded, looking flushed.

"I'll be back in... five— maybe even three!" he promised before jogging out the door. She walked over to the door after him, sitting down on the stairs with her backpack in her arms. She noticed a pair of sneakers come forward and pat on her shoulder. She looked up curiously and saw Nishinoya, hovering over her slightly.

He blushed and handed his phone shyly at her. "Y-Your number, please?" he asked, fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

Chio was taken aback by this interaction and nodded slightly.

"O-Oh, um, okay?" she mumbled as she typed in her phone.

Nishinoya smiled when she returned his phone with her number on it and read the name that was saved as.

"Morimoto Chio." he said as he smiled at the name. "Thanks a lot, Mori-senpai!" he exclaimed before leaving to go change. Just as he was leaving, Sugawara came back, watching Noya skip to lockers happily.

"What was that for?" he asked, curiosity killing the cat.

Chio shrugged nonchalantly, "Noya-kun came over to get my number, nothing big."

Sugawara's eye twitched when he heard that. Without his brain's approval, his heart decided to take her away from the gym— or else maybe even other people might go up to her and ask her for her number. He knew— of course— that she was beautiful. He just didn't know why he felt so possessive over her.

As they got further and further away from the school, Chio shyly fixed her throat, catching Sugawara's attention. He looked down and saw their fingers interlocked in quite intimate way. He let go of her hand, even though he started to crave her warmth much more.

"S-Sorry! I was... um... I was worried your brother might be suspicious why we would get home so late!" Sugawara exclaimed, trying to find a believable excuse to them holding hands for 5 minutes straight.

Chio blushed, her heart beating to the rhythm of the wind that blew the fringes out of her face.

"Yeah, it's alright." She replied, feeling a sense of emptiness at her grasp.

Sugawara looked at the girl's bright cheeks and cupped her face gently.

"Are you getting cold, Morimoto-san?" He asked, trying to warm her up with his hands. Chio looked at Sugawara and blushed even more now that he was holding her much, much, MUCH more intimately.

"Mhn, just a little."

Chio gave a shy reply as she tried to revert her gaze other than staring at Sugawara. She looked upwards and surprisingly saw the little snowflakes falling from the dark night.


Sugawara looked up and smiled, few snowflakes falling conveniently onto his hair to make him look like he's twinkling in front of Chio.

"I love snow." he replied, returning his longing gaze onto Chio— his hands still on her cheeks.

Chio's mouth dropped agape just a bit, looking at the sight of an angel looking back at her. Sugawara bashfully brushed the snow out of her hair and said,

"C'mon, I can't get you catch a cold right now!" And ran, dragging Chio by her hand to her house.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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