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It was a foggy night and she lost her way through the woods. Wasn't such a great idea to meet Daryl in the woods after the football game, was it Christy? As usual I begin to see and feel what the subject of my vision see and feels. We began losing ourselves more and more into the woods and with every step we took the temperature began to drop. Why did cheerleaders have to wear such skimpy outfits? I tried stretching the fabric to try to cover myself up but it was like mission impossible. The wind began to howl and the leaves begin to shiver. Above the rustling of the leaves and the howling of the wind I heard a faint snap of twigs. "D-Daryl?" I mentally frown at the sound coming out of my mouth. Since when have I talked like my balls dropped? Ruuun "Daryl? Th-that's not f-funny," I gulped. Ruuunn. I did as the voice in my head told me to do and I ran. The snapping of twigs became louder and louder closing in on me. I trip and land on some rocks. I scraped my knees pretty bad and at the sight of blood I panic and wake up from my vision. I need to warn her before it's to late...

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