Chapter 7 Survival of the Fittest

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The first lessons with Neytiri were with the horse-like things Y/n and Jake had seen the night before, but the Na'vi knew them as Pa'li. Today they were to learn how to ride them in order to get around the forest faster and hunt with them, at least that's what Neytiri said. The Pa'li were just like regular horses from Earth, but with six legs, tentacle things, and a tongue like an ant eater, though it was used to eat nectar instead. Y/n and Jake both had their own Pa'li to practice with as Neytiri aided them. Not wanting to waste any more precious time in their day Y/n walked up beside the horse's hefty body and laid her hands gently on the tough skin. It felt warm and rough, sort of like callused hands after a long day of work, or really worn-out tough leather.

"Gently get on her back," Neytiri instructed her voice calm and reassuring as she held the Pa'li still soothing it with soft hushes and clicks of her tongue. Y/n did as she was told taking a few practice hops before she was able to climb up and get situated. That's when Neytiri guided the Pa'li's tentacle thing towards Y/n as smaller feathery tendrils wiggled at the bottom. 'Well that sure looks familiar....' Y/n's mind was piecing it together pretty quickly but she gave Neytiri a look before she tried anything that would make her look like an idiot. "Yes," Neytiri nodded in answer to Y/n looking for approval, then moved over towards Jake and his Pa'li to help him get situated.

Grabbing her braid Y/n held the end of it up to the tendrils that wiggled around and watched as the two slowly connected in an instant Y/n's heart jumped and her breath quickened for a moment. Suddenly there was a second heartbeat in her body, a second breath, her body was connected to the Pa'li as if they were one. "That is Tsahalu, the bond," Neytiri explained as she watched both Y/n and Jake get used to the feeling of the bond, "feel her heartbeat, her breath, her strong legs." The woman continued to explain and help the two feel a stronger connection with the Pa'li.

Y/n took her time to do exactly that, she wanted to be good at this, and she wanted to succeed, learn as much as she could. This was an opportunity of a lifetime. Taking a deep breath in Y/n tried to focus on the feeling of this Pa'li. Its heartbeat was much slower than her own but still beat in rhythm with hers, like a song between the two hearts. The breath of the Pa'li was strong, thundering in and out slowly to keep the heart pumping energy to the rest of its body. The legs were like trunks of a great tree, they honestly reminded her of the trunk of the Hometree, thick and unwavering. All of it was connected with her own body now, their bodies sang in harmony with each other in every way.

"You may tell them what to do, inside. For now, say where to go." Neytiri spoke once more, and Y/n didn't even have a chance to tell her Pa'li where to go before Jake blurted out his instructions for the horse.

"Forward." Jake pointed and his horse immediately went into a trollop causing him to bounce off the back and face down into the mud below.

"PFT-" Y/n stifled her laugh but as soon as Neytiri looked her way the two of them both broke into a fit of giggles. "Nice riding ace! You're a true cowboy!" Y/n called out to Jake as the man just began to pick himself up. Sure this alien horse was different since they were able to control it with just their own words or mind, but falling off of it like that was too funny to not make fun of. "This will make a wonderful dinnertime story Sully!" The girl teased again as her eyes went from watching Neytiri retrieve the Pa'li to the sudden trembling hoof sounds coming their way, Tsu'tey, 'Oh joy.' The smile of amusement faded in an instant from the girl's face while Tsu'tey and his two hunters came up to a stop in front of them. Though for once the man's eyes were fixed on Jake below, who was covered head to toe in mud.

"You should go away." Tsu'tey's face was as expected full of disgust as his eyes finally flicked up towards Y/n.

"Nah you'd miss me, I knew you could speak English." Jake rebutted with a chuckle as he flicked mud from his tongue.

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