Chapter 1 - The Invitation

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November 24th, 1897 -

A letter came for me today from A.S. This is the first I've heard from him in years. I knew he cared deeply about his research but this is unusual, even for him. Disappearing without a word for years, then suddenly requesting my presence? A.S., you cheeky bastard, what are you up to? The letter read as such:


Visit me at my manor in Glendon Hills as soon as you possibly can. It is of upmost importance. You'll forgive my shrewdness, as you know my research has garnered some unwanted attention. You know how those fools at the Royal Institution are. All your questions will be answered in time, but you must hurry.

I've done it. I've actually done it!


While I am thrilled to hear from my old friend again, and more or less curious to hear about his latest developments, I still am puzzled by this sudden invitation. Regardless, I am eager to see what has A.S. so excited. My train leaves tomorrow morning.

November 26th, 1897 -

I arrived at the manor around 10 am. No sign of A.S. nor anybody for that matter. I'm surprised as the weather this time of year is wonderful in Glendon Hills, England. Bright blue sky with the Sun warming the air. The wind rustling the branches of the trees on the property. But absolutely no signs of life. Not even the birds are singing their songs. An omen of what's to come, perhaps? As I made my way to the door of the manor I got the strangest feeling that I was being watched. As if some force was waiting. Waiting, like a predator watching its prey with bated breath. Reaching the entrance to the manor I noticed that the housekeeper hadn't made herself present. Usually she greeted guests whenever they came about, but she too is missing as well. I pray that she is well, and that these recent developments is A.S.'s research had nothing to do with her absence. I steeled my nerves, and knocked on the door.

No answer. I knock again. No answer. Against my better judgement, I tried the knob to the door. It twisted and the door opened. With a heavy sigh, I let myself into the manor.

The foyer was devoid of life as well. Dust lingered in the air like a swarm of gnats. I called out for A.S. but got no answer. I decided to check the different rooms of the manor. The kitchen was empty and looked as if no meal had been prepared there for years. The bedrooms were empty as well, as were the trophy room and servants quarters. That only leaves the study. Of course! It made sense after all. I was here to discuss A.S.'s recent developments in his research. I climbed the stairs and let myself into the study, only for my feeling of newfound confidence to completely diminish. A.S. was no where to be found. Blast it all! If this is his idea of a joke, then I'm sorry to say that it isn't very funny. However, in my annoyance at recent events I noticed the feeling of a slight draft. "Strange" I thought to myself, as none of the windows were opened inside the study. I stuck my hand out to feel where the draft was the strongest. Following the flow of air led me to a bookcase. I chuckled to myself briefly as I thought "Surely this isn't as cliché as I think." I mean, A.S. is a man of science, a man of science who takes himself as seriously as he takes his research. It seems that there was more to my old friend than I had thought, as I pushed the bookcase open to reveal a hidden room. As I walked into the newly opened space, I could see something sitting in the middle of the room. But as I was distracted, the bookcase closed shut and locked itself behind me. I tried to push the bookcase back open, even slamming myself into it to try and wedge it loose but to no avail. I was trapped.

Perhaps I should have payed attention to the signs. No signs of life, birds staying quiet, the feeling of being watched, and a damned secret room. I should have turned around and went back to Leeds when I had the chance. Letting out another heavy sigh, I accept my fate. No point in working myself up. I'm stuck in a secret room and need to find a way out. Turning to go forth on my quest, I noticed something in the middle of the room.

A large metal safe

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