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"Where are we going?," Seonghwa's excited voice met his ears and made Hongjoong smile softly at him.

"Remember when you told me about how your parents always took you to that specific beach when you were still a child?," the slightly younger said, having to fight the grin that tried to take over his features when Seonghwa gasped.

"No, you did not—" he gasped again as he seemed to recognize the gravel path they now walked on.

The smell of the sea hit their noses and Hongjoong swore he saw Seonghwa's glassy eyes before the elder broke out into a huge smile, eyes glowing as they quickly ran over every small detail that stayed the same over all these years.

"I recognized this beach when you first described it to me from my own childhood and wanted to bring you here since then. I just didn't know when the perfect time was but because you seemed kinda down today, I thought 'why not'," Hongjoong rambled nervously, watching the other stop in his tracks and turn to look at him.

His wide eyes were so beautiful and Hongjoong almost lost himself in them as Seonghwa furrowed his brows.

"Wait, didn't I tell you that on our first date?," Seonghwa asked, and Hongjoong nodded. "You remembered? This was months ago."

And if Hongjoong lost himself in those eyes earlier, he was stuck now. Because the way those eyes looked at him in adoration made his heart beat faster and his smile even wider.

"Yeah, I kinda also planned it differently. I wanted us to have a picnic here but...," Hongjoong ran a hand through his hair, smiling apologetically, "I guess this was more spontaneous because I wanted to make you smile again."

He saw the way Seonghwa's eyes roamed his face, halting at his lips for a second and then they were trained on his own eyes again.

The urge to kiss him right then and there was so strong but he knew he should make their first kiss more special.

He should wait for when they had their picnic next time.

Instead, Seonghwa practically tackled him in a bone-crushing hug and he reveled in it.

The way his warmth engulfed him in the gentle wind from the sea just meters away.

The way his scent filled his nostrils and made the butterflies go crazy in his stomach.

And he already missed it as soon as they parted.

But Hongjoong had a mission and he wasn't keen on letting the late hour ruin what he wanted to show him.

So, he took his hand, caressed it and smiled, pulling him to follow the sound of the waves until they walked the wooden boardwalk that was surrounded by rocks.

Seonghwa let go of his hand and Hongjoong almost wanted to reach out again when he noticed that the other took off his shoes and his socks, placing them on the wooden surface and then motioned for him to do the same.

So, he did. And as soon as he placed the shoes along with his socks besides Seonghwa's, the elder took his hand again and pulled him to walk down into the sand.

"Thank you for bringing me back here. I really missed walking in the sand while watching the waves," Seonghwa said, smiling brightly at him.

And once again, Hongjoong just wanted to grab his face and press their lips together. But this was not the right setting.

So, he just smiled, nodding, watching the way his beaming eyes left his own and instead roamed the sand.

He gasped and Hongjoong was about to ask what was wrong when Seonghwa bent down and picked up a big sea shell with his free hand, smiling brightly.

The Stars & The Sea | SeongJoong OneShot + Special Where stories live. Discover now