Chapter One

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Brown cinnamon. The smell I wake up to every morning.

Brown cinnamon. The smell used to cover of poison. (This isn't about murder though)

Brown cinnamon. The smell I woke up to on that sleepover so many years ago.

      My best friend, Kylian, hair was in my face. Not that I minded or anything. I was madly in love with her. But a soft voice stopped me from thinking about her “Ivy..? “. My boyfriend, Kaison, was awake. Twin brother to the girl I was madly in love with. “Shh” I whispered back to him, pointing at Kya and their best friend, Arlo. They had been friends since pre-k, meeting through their parents. Arlo was, surprisingly, a very light sleeper, so we had to be quiet. Kai and Arlo were sharing a couch, Kai on one side and Arlo on the other, and then me and Kya, us being tangled up on the couch together. I silently got up from the couch, careful not to wake Arlo, and wrapped the blanket back around Kya. Kai did the same, but instead the moment he put the blanket on Arlo, he kicked it off. Not surprisingly, Arlo moved a lot in their sleep, which is why Kai begged us to let me and him sleep on the same couch, and Kya and Arlo on the other. “Please guys” he whined. “It would make more sense for me and Ivy to sleep on the same couch, because we're dating, and For Kya and Arlo to sleep together because they're dating!” The painful realization that Kya and Arlo were dating. But back to the present, I slowly wake to the kitchen, with Kai following me. I'm sure you're wondering why I'm dating Kai if I'm in love with his twin sister? Well, I'm a lesbian. ‘But you're dating a male!’ Well, when we first started dating, a little over 6 months ago, he was female. Kai came out as trans to us a few weeks ago. I told myself, and him, that I would love him no matter what, but I don't feel like that anymore. “Hi Iv” Kai said when we reached the kitchen, “Hi Kai. “. My voice still being raspy from sleep. We sat in the kitchen for a while because we heard the quiet shuffle of feet, two pairs of feet. “...Morning” Arlo said, voice being barely over a whisper. Kya just stared at Kai, before sitting down beside me.

We're at school now. I hate school, and school hates me. At least we can agree on something. I used to get bullied a lot before I met the twins, and Arlo. They're quite popular, so when the weird kid started hanging out with them, everyone was confused. I didn't ever want to meet or even talk to anyone who was remotely popular, but of course I ended up talking to the one kid who I didn't know was popular, Kai. Or at the time Karlie. It's a classic story really, two kids get seated next to each other, and fall in love.
Kya didn't really like me at first, or much now, she was (and still to this day) very protective of Kai. But she had to get along with me for the sake of Kai. But anyways, Kya, Kai, and Arlo were all friends, so eventually I became friends with him. And they eventually introduced me to Mateo and CJ, his boyfriend and their best friend. Mateo and CJ had also known one another since a young age, so I was the only one without a long term friendship. It's not my fault really, my mom home schooled me till 6th grade, where then I, being the new kid, got bullied. Everyone had known each other since elementary, but I didn't know no one. I sat alone, worked alone (or with a teacher), no one wanted to talk to me. Till 8th, when I met a boy named Toby. Me and Toby don't talk as much as we did back then, but we still talk now. Then close to the end of 9th Grade, I met Kai. Beginning of 10th grade I met Mateo and CJ. I didn't reall- the bell rang. I sat through a 45 minute class without paying attention, wtf. “And remember, all of this will be on your test tomorrow”. Fuck. I'm dead. If I fail this test I'm dead, my dad will end me. Wait, CJ is in my class, maybe I can ask her. “Wait, I thought you were paying attention? I WAS GOING TO ASK YOU FOR HELP.” CJ shouted. Oh god, we're both dead. “CJ, tell me you're joking” I mutter “I wish I was….”. I groan, CJ was my only hope. But turns out we're both dead. I met CJ's parents, they aren't the best. Her mom doesn't care about her and her dad is hardly ever home. “Hehe… sorry” CJ whispers, she's always afraid she will do something wrong and lose everything “Don't be, it's not your fault” I whisper back to her, walking to our next class. Surprisingly, we have 4 classes together. We would have three, but we both play an instrument. I play the drums, and CJ the violin. All honestly, I only did band so I don't have to do P.E, I think C.J did it for Mateo, her best friend anddd her crush. I'm one of the only ones she told. Sadly Mateo is dating Arlo. But honestly I think Mateo and Arlo like her back. CJ also likes Arlo, but don't tell her I said that.

It's the end of day now, Kya and Kai are coming back to mine today. Their parents aren't very supportive of Kai or Kya. Fortunately, My mom and siblings love them. I have two siblings, Ronnie, my older sister, and Oliver, my younger brother. They get along better with Kai, for obvious reasons. No, not because he's my boyfriend, but because he is more friendly and kind than Kya. Kya is more rude and doesn't open up very much, so of course my siblings like Kai better. Actually, I'm starting to think Ron likes Kya more then kai. We were hanging out alone the other day and when she left Ronnie said “You act more yourself around her then I've seen you act with anyone else”. Like, what is that supposed to mean?! ‘I act more myself’ yeah right, if anything i act less myself around her. Or maybe I act more like the personality I hid away years ago and less like the fake personality I made at school. Oh well, I guess we'll never know.


1110 words

yayayay, the first update!!! updates might be a little slow, sorry!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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