c h a p t e r 3

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chapter 3 - betrayal at the dinner table - s.b.

s i r i u s   w a t c h e d                   the two Slytherins who used to be his closest friends from across the great hall

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s i r i u s   w a t c h e d
                  the two Slytherins who used to be his closest friends from across the great hall. They sat next to each other, surrounded by hoards of friends and admirers. It hadn't been long after their talk that the news had spread to the rest of the school.

Everyone was talking about the great pairing of such mighty bloodlines, even those who didn't care about blood-purity. It had been a sore spot in the Mauraders, who had made it their mission not to bring it up in front of Sirius. Unfortunately, Sirius knew every time the room went silent as he approached that it was his family that everyone had been talking about. It made him feel on edge, hard for him to think straight.

Remus nudged him on his shoulder with his, said, "Cheer up Pads, it's not like it matters. Remember—she didn't even write to tell you." Remus tried to seem cheery, but the joke landed flat.

Sirius turned his head away and grumbled, "She should have written."

James looked over at Lily as if she could offer better advice than the boys, but she just shook her head. All eyes turned back to their plates.

In between mouthfuls of porridge, Peter spoke up, "I mean, just be glad it wasn't you who had to marry her."

This caught everyone's attention as they turned to him. Peter flushed at the sudden attention.

"What do you mean, Wormy?" Sirius asked as he finally looked away from the couple.

Peter put down his spoon, as if a bit shocked he had considered something before the others. "I just mean that, you know, you're the oldest and the heir. Someone with such high status probably would have been promised to marry you instead of Reg right?"

Sirius looked back at his plate, thinking over the words. He would have fought it because he was going to marry who he wanted to or not at all, but Peter had a point. Marz was probably going to be married to him, not Regulus. Sirius looked back towards the Slytherin table. He watched Marzena toss a long lock of dark hair over her shoulder as she laughed openly at something someone had said. Her laugh was contagious, the whole table joining in. The only one not laughing was Regulus, who looked miserable in comparison to the go-lucky girl beside him. Sirius wondered if they both had known.

Sirius stood suddenly from the table. With no clear intentions except to just go talk to one of them. James grabbed the back of his shirt.

"Come on mate, you don't want to go over there," James reasoned, his hold still tight on Sirius.

"I just want to ask why she didn't write," Sirius stubbornly said as he went to knock off James' hold. James held on.

"Sirius, love, don't you think you know why she didn't write?" Mary began as she leaned a bit over the table. "I may not know much, but I do know that you don't want to ask her."

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