Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter 25 - Undercurrents

Their proposed childcare system was working perfectly, and all involved were very happy with it. Joan stayed in Emma and Dan's Professor apartment Sunday to Thursday nights, before moving into her room next to Hermione's after classes each Friday. This particular Friday morning was pretty special however, Hermione turned fifteen today - and Joan was easily more excited about this special day than every single person attending or working at the Institute.

Moving through to their living space, Harry noticed a wrapped present on the table that Dobby must have left there while they were showering. The little elf watched Joan every morning while the three Grangers and Harry trained, with the young witch and elf swiftly becoming as thick as thieves. Harry was almost certain Joan had conspired with a very willing Dobby to arrange her present for Hermione, and they would find out very shortly when they met her and the Grangers for breakfast.

The birthday girl emerged from her bedroom, ready for her now customary morning kiss before facing the day. Before they set off, Hermione opened her gift from their elf friend - finding an elegant gold and white crocheted shawl. Dobby had obviously put a lot of work and love into its unique design and creation, something that both of them certainly appreciated. Hermione absolutely loved her gift, draping the beautiful shawl over her school robes.

"We have double transfiguration to start today, I'll leave breakfast a few minutes early and put this back in my room before that."

"Your mum and dad don't have a class first period, they could take it for you and we'll pick it up later."

Liking that idea better, they headed off to breakfast but found a pair of redheaded twins waiting on them in the corridor. That Fred and George appeared nervous left the young couple wondering what was troubling their friends. Both wished Hermione a happy birthday before joining them on their walk to breakfast and discussing the reason they were there.

"We got letters from Angelina and Alicia, begging us to ask if they could join us here..."

"Now we know it's nothing to do with you, but at least we can say we asked..."

"We also know the Headmistress gets approached almost every day, with people carrying the same type of letters from their friends still stuck in Hogwarts..."

"They all get the same answer, and we will too.."

"But at least we can honestly tell the girls we've tried our best."

"There isn't even any quidditch at Hogwarts this year, just some stupid tournament."

"Angelina is so bored in the castle, she's even thinking of entering..."

Harry and Hermione stopped walking at once, and both had their serious faces on.

"Guys, please write to her as soon as possible - put all joking aside and explain to Angelina that's a very, very bad idea."

Hermione took over from Harry as seamlessly as the twins had been doing with each other a mere moment earlier. "The reason this tournament hasn't been seen for centuries is that a lot of the champions - and even spectators in some cases - were ending up dead by the end of the tasks."

"Now, Hogwarts on a good year was dangerous for me and my friends. What do you think it would have been like if I was still there?"

"Ah, but the rules say you need to be of age..." It suddenly dawned on Fred that Harry was actually already legally considered to be of age in Britain. "Shit, they're even choosing the champions on Halloween. Harry would have been a certainty to end up in this thing."

Nodding as the penny dropped with both twins, Harry could only re-emphasise what they'd both just said. "Tell Angelina to avoid this tournament like the plague, and pass the word around to everyone else of age too."

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