Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter 32 - Changes

Granny V Gone for Good

With an almighty crunch, the former monstrous Dark Lord was instantly transformed into a monstrous Dragon's Lunch. The very name 'Voldemort' had held the entire country in an iron grasp of terror for decades, yet a couple of muggles left this Dark Lord defenceless before the dragon attacked - and the rest was over very quickly. Granny V was gambling that no one would attack her, because the unbreakable magical contract the tournament invoked would see those attackers lose their magic. As Hermione Granger's father so eloquently pointed out, neither he nor his wife had any magic to loose. Using muggle means, both soon had Granny V on the ground and bleeding. This was taken as an invitation to lunch by the huge Hungarian Horntail, and no one was foolish enough to try and disagree with the massive dragon's decision.

This reporter did learn that the dragon handlers were later approached by a Ministry representative, asking if it would be possible to recover Voldemort's wand from the dragon. The representative was immediately given permission to sift through the Horntail's dung, but was advised they didn't thing the wand would survive its journey through the Horntail's digestive system. The representative was also advised to compile a will before beginning this task, as the handlers didn't think they would survive trying to sift through a nesting Horntail's dung either.

Bella could read no more. "Muggles, fucking muggles! That thing was certainly not our master, letting a couple of muggles get the better of them. I would have happily sacrificed my magic to put an end to that abomination..." The three wizards currently sharing this house with Bella could all see her thinking something, all of them instantly recognising this could be bad.

"Does the Prophet say when the date for the second task is?"

Having already read the newspaper before returning with it, Augustus was able to answer Bella instantly. "No, I suspect how the task ended put that decision out of their minds. We should know in a day or two though. What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that if I have to live like a muggle, wearing their clothes and eating their food, I might as well become one. We can't even use our magic, in case it attracts attention from the Ministry - so what's the point in having it? Our way of life is gone forever but we can still choose how we go on from this life - killing Potter, or even Dumbledore would be a fitting end."

Her husband wanted some clarification. "Are you suggesting a suicide mission?"

"Not exactly, but if I go I want to take as many of those fuckers with me as I possibly can. This hiding amongst the muggles is keeping us free - but we have no freedom - or life. We tried Europe, that wasn't any better. Do you really want to move further away, start again with nothing? Become Mr and Mrs fucking Average in Australia, get jobs and live normal lives? That's not me..."

Indicating the issue of the Prophet they were currently reading, Bella really made her point. "And that's not how I want to be remembered either. They've turned our Master's memory into a fucking joke - that thing he became treated as nothing more than a clown. They will be selling dragon eating Granny V cuddly toys for Christmas, and people too frightened to say our Master's name will buy them up for their little brats. I just wanted to put this on the table, see if you three can come up with another option that will give our lives meaning - instead of our deaths."

With that, Bella left the three stunned men sitting there while she went to lie down. Her anger was never far away, just bubbling below the surface. Bella could effectively keep a lid on it, if there was a possible outlet on the horizon. At the moment they had nothing, making every day harder than the one before. Without such an outlet, it was only a matter of time before her temper got away from her - and that would be disastrous. They would need to blow something up, or burn something down, soon, before those urges became uncontrollable.

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