Chapter 13: What A Way To Start The Morning :D

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- ♡ Your POV ♡ -

'Come on! Come on! Almost . . . There . . . ' The carriage swerved a little in my mid-wake panic. "Fuck ---Son of a bitch!" I shouted. My hand and arm got a deep angled gash from the metal panel of this covered wagon. The thing I was using to cut through my rope binds. I could feel the blood already dripping. "QUIET BACK THERE!!" One of the men snaps at us. "Learn how to fucking drive first!" I wanted to shout but kept that comment to myself. It was already a shitty day and it keeps getting shittier with time.

What the fuck is happening?


How the fuck did I get here?

Let's go back to about 2 hours ago, shall we?

○●○ 2 Hours Earlier ○●○

Being engulfed in warmth during this world's harsh winter is like a kotatsu. The heat warms you right up just right. Not too hot that you'll sweat or that it burns you alive. It's the right amount you want to spend hours in. Perfect warmth to sleep hours in.

It was there then it was suddenly gone.

'Ugh. Couldn't it stay for 10 more minutes?'
It's lack of presence stirred me awake. I found myself in bed. The sun was glaring through the window. Everything seemed ordinary. The fire was still going. The wind had calmed down unlike last night. The only thing missing was that grumpy dragon demon companion of mine. 'That explains the disappearance of warmth.' I frown at the thought. I see the pillow wall was not up, I figured he put it there after I knocked the fuck out. Then he probably removed it since he was up and there would be no point of it being there when he is up and all. He did say he was an early riser after all. (A/n: Yeah he was lol).

I slipped out of bed to slip into a different fit for today's travels. I went with a dark gray pair of thick warm pants with a light blue blouse that had regular short sleeves (my tennis shoes kinda ruins the look but it's better than being in uncomfortable boots). I made up for the lack of long sleeves with these black arm warmers which were sorta like gloves too but fingerless. It reminded me of something a fighter would wear. "Like you're a fighter (Y/n). You fought one demon with Shinso and Katsuki one time and you think you're some hot shot. It was luck and you know it. When in reality - All you do is run, Even during that fight." My conscience negatively shot down my self-esteem hard. It was true . . . I only was a distraction like we planned but I only tripped the cat demon poser. I didn't really do much. Shinso and Katsuki fought mostly.

Katsuki and Makoto taught me to shoot with a bow and arrow. For what?! For me not to have used it at all during that fight!

Man my freaking head was not in the right mindset this morning. Despite having the best sleep I ever had in all my 21 years of existing. I had no idea why I thought so negatively first thing in the morning. I mean, it was sorta the norm, but this was different. Like it was a sign of many to come to make up for dodging thinking like this last night.

I shook my head in hopes to get rid of them as I made the bed with hyper focus. Distracting my hands to distract my mind. I shuffled my things in my bag to make sure everything was packed and in order for when we leave today. I left it on the bed then made my way to the bathroom to use the toilet, brush my teeth, and brush my hair.

I Made A Deal With A  Dragon From Another World (Fantasy Bakugo × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now