Chapter 1

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Kayleigh was reporting to Ianthe about the recent going-ons in Harbourtown.  They heard a faint, but familiar sound - someone new arriving in New Wirral. Also known as screaming really loudly as they suddenly start falling from the sky. 

"Oh! Excuse me, I have to go find the person who arrived." Kayleigh excused herself and walked to the beach.

"Hey-      OH." She looked on shocked. There were five- wait, no SIX new arrivals and none of them were human.

"GET BACK YOU STUPID CRAB-THING MONSTER!" A guy with navy wolf-looking ears and a tail was screaming at a Traffikrab whilst an another guy with red hair and pointy ears was trying to calm him down. "Dylas, it's just a monster, you can fight it normally."

Another were-animal guy with snow-blue hair pulled out a halberd and started attacking it.

"Wait!" Kayleigh yelled. "That's not how you fight them!!" All of the new arrivals turned around. 

There was the two were-animals with the navy hair and snow-white hair, then the guy with the red hair. There was three girls, one with green hair and... butterfly wings? There was another girl who had some sort of faded red hair, in a formal outfit. Next to her was a girl who was floating? And was almost... translucent?

"Well how do we fight them, then?" The guy with navy hair, who Kayleigh assumed was Dylas, asked.

"Like this!" Kayleigh pulled out a cassette player, and put a tape in. She pressed play and was surrounded by static. She then transformed into a monster.

"Huh?!" Dylas yelled in surprised.

"That looks so cool!" The red-haired guy said.

"Huh. I- well, we've seen weirder. I think." The snow-white-haired guy remarked.

"Ahhhhh! I wanna do that!" The butterfly girl squealed.

"Oh! Milady, milady, Dolly! Are you seeing this?" The ghost-like young girl said to the girl with the faded-red hair.

"Yes, Pico, I am..." The girl that Pico was talking to seemed shocked.

Kayleigh finished the monster off and transformed back to normal. She turned around to everyone. "I'm Kayleigh!" She said cheerfully. 

"Dylas." The navy-haired guy replied. "Judging by the look of your face initially, i guess we'll have to say what we are."

"I'm Doug, I'm a dwarf, Dylas over there is a horse." 

"Wha- HEY!" Dylas yelled.

"Or a wolf. Dunno."

"My name is Leon. I'm a fox. That's Dolce, she's an elf. Amber is a butterfly and Pico is a ghost." Leon, nodded towards each of the girls."

"Cool! Uh, sorry for the surprise, it's just that we've never had anyone other than humans arrive in New Wirral." Kayleigh laughed awkwardly.

"Kayleigh, what did you just do? I wanna do it! It looks so cool!" Amber bounced up and down.

"It's how we fight the monsters here." She replied.

"But how does it work?" Doug asked.

"We're not exactly sure how it works... But it does, and we won't complain!"

"Fair enough. So, how do we leave?" Leon asked.

"...How do I say this...?" Kayleigh started to slow down. "Uhm... You don't..."

"What???" Dolce said, surprised.

"It's impossible. I'm sorry. People have tried before and failed."

"Well... we're Ventuswill's friends, and we don't know the meaning of the word impossible!" Kayleigh could tell that Leon was trying to take it in like the others.

"Shall I take you to Harbourtown?" Kayleigh said.

"Harbourtown? Is that where everyone lives?" Doug asked.

"Yeah! I'll introduce you to Ianthe when we get there! Follow me!" Kayleigh and the others started to walk to Harbourtown.

Hello all! Mika here! (Or Kimyr, depends on where you know me from) I'll update this when I get the chance and at the moment I might make an Indivisible x Cassette Beasts 

(indivisible is a cool game)


I'm gonna make a everything x cassette beasts at this rate lmao

Anyways lemme know what you think, cy'all!

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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