Chapter 16 - Coded to Reality

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Code was unlike any other student on this island.

Where everyone had powers that were more on the offensive or defensive side, his allowed him to things others couldn't. He could see the fate of everyone, what would happen every second of a day, and every possibility for the future. He could see other paths, had choices gone differently.

Which was why when Rusty showed up, he remembered it all.

He remembered being unable to do nothing when they arrived. When they struck everyone down. When they tortured Riley, someone else who was able to remember it all, to the point he would be on the brink. He could tell that more failures would lead to his breaking point, and turning him into a monster himself.

So he only had one chance at preventing it all, or everything would go from bad to worse. There had to be something he could do. Which is why he chose not to interfere, remain hiding, and reading every book on the island for something to stop Rusty. But every second he wasted, someone lost their life, and Rusty got stronger. And everyday, everything was restarted. And everyday, everyone would have to die again. And everyday, the birth of another murderer loomed closer.

But on the evening of the 24th massacre, he finally found a way, but he knew there was only one shot at this. And he needed everyone on the island to do it. Leaving the library, he passed the Legends Hall, and heard someone talking. Sneaking in and hiding behind one of the pillars, Code listened to a triumphant Rusty speaking to a dying Riley.

"You know, I'm kinda getting kinda bored of doing all of this." Rusty spoke. "Nothings changed in a long time, and I'm getting tired of that. So at the end of the next run, I'm not reversing time. Unless something changes, every death will be permanent."

Code could see that Riley tried to respond, but was unable to find the strength in his state.

"However, I'll be nice to you. I will reverse time back to the same time as I usually do, but I won't start my massacre then. Until 11pm the next day, you have all the time to be with your friends. Spend your last moments with, knowing that they'll be the last memories you'll make with them."

He could only watch on as Rusty eliminated Riley and left the Legends Hall, still getting over the fact that everything was about to end. And even though he knew there were still many more genocides to come, that path would end up in the downfall of one his fellow colleagues.

In an instant, Code was back in his bed, the clock only just hitting midnight. This was it. Tomorrow, things would all change for the worse. So had to enact his plan before the gruesome future fell upon on.

He burst out of his home in the outskirts of the Academy, and headed straight towards Kaedan's office. A dim light was barely visible from the window of the office, implying he was still up there. Code entered the majestic building of the Academy and climbed up the flight of its grand stairs, right up to the entrance of the office.

Kaedan was expecting a peaceful, quiet night at his office, just finalising the exam timetables plans before finishing later on in the day. As he was ready to tune in for the night, the doors flung open, as Code burst in a panicked state, panting.

"Code, is everything ok?"

"You know how I can the future and other timelines?"

"Yeah, we're all aware of that."

"Would you believe m e if I said that there have been 24 timelines before this that all resulted on everyone dying on the island by a murderer called Rusty, who after genocide reverses time to do it all over again."

"Very specific, but I'd probably would."

"Well that's what has happened, and they're coming back tomorrow for the final time. Once we die, we're gone forever."

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