Chapter 3- Someone Like You

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They landed right inside of Hermione's estate in London and Harry was mesmerized. From the marble tiles to the grandiose spiral staircase, or what looked like a huge garden outside complete with fountains and archways, and over to the right he peered into a shadowy corridor that lead into a vast library, surely organized meticulously, and the entrance greeting you with two immense pillars wrapped in upward spiraling coils of lime green vines, perhaps harkening to Hermione's wand. Everything was immaculate! Which only made Harry wonder.
"Hermione... Umm... How is this not 'rolling in it?'"
"Well, we're not exactly getting by after all the expenses every month. Ron owns a joke shop now and I'm Minister of Magic. Not as much money in politics as one would think, but- "
"- It's quite lovely, Hermione. Your house. It's much better than that grubby shithole, St. Mungo's. And even better than Grimmauld Place."
"I appreciate it, Harry."

Then they heard a familiar voice cawing out at them.
"Hey! Come back for more, eh? Well, we-- Oh. Blimey. Harry!...."
Ronald Weasley had come halfway down the staircase before he realized he was nearly naked, except his silk black boxers with pink and red hearts on them.
"..... Lovely." Harry retorted, half repulsed, half wanting to laugh aloud. He tried his best to avoid seeing Ron's body, which was still a Dad-bod at best. Nobody said anything for a few seconds until it got weird.
"I'm a bit more curvy now..." Ron joked, always knowing how to defuse the tension, one hand covering his chest, the other over his boxers. "But, I still got it where it counts....." as he awkwardly flexed the arm from over his chest out. Then he flexed it while pointing. "I'll just be upstairs..."
"Ronald!!!" Hermione shouted defensively, "What in the bloody hell are you doing!? Aren't you supposed to be at work!?"
Ron looked around and then clucked, "I was at work..."
"Shop closed... Nobody wants to buy edible tongues anymore... Pity really. They have such good taste..."
"Ronald!! Will you please stop joking around!?"
"What?? I tried to sell some fake poo and some dancing dung beetles, but... I tell you, this is a shit job."
"Alright, alright. Don't get your knickers in a twist. I just had a short day, mum. Alright?"
"Well, why did you say 'We'!?" Hermione's voice echoed.
"What? .. What are you on about?"
"You said 'we'," Harry Potter replied, though not sure why he was getting involved.
"When you first descended your staircase, your majesty, you said 'We'!" Hermione finished, furious. "And in your undergarments!!"
"Alright, alright! Settle down, you two! I just forgot propper grammar is all. You know how Stoopid I am!"
"No, I will not settle down!!"
"See, this is the problem right here!" Ron deflected, finishing his trek down the stairs. "You're always barkin' at me! Maybe if you relaxed a little, we could be happy. But, no, Queen Granger has to always be on my case for everything!! And look at you! You look like you just came back from the brothel! Dressed up pretty nOice for Harry here, didn' you? When's the last time you dressed like that for me?"
Hermione was now in tears, but they weren't the same kind as the ones she had for Harry, they were full of hurt, as she sobbed, "For your information, I was making myself look nice for you when you got back. I didn't expect to see you back here... Like this! And Harry needed me! Look how shit he looks."
Ron laughed, "Yeah..." as Harry got a little flustered.
"I'm still here, you know."
"Blimey, Harry, you could use a bit of spiffing up. You can borrow one of my suits 'til you get your stuff together, and maybe stay here for awhile. Shower's upstairs to the left. In the bathroom cabinet, you'll find some.... Shaving items...." Ron glanced at the fuzzy animal on his face. "It's good to see you, mate!" Then he hugged Harry, thrusting Potter's head onto his bare, hairy red chest, as Harry awkwardly patted his back.
"Um... You too, Ron."
"Does master need Kreacher's assistance?.."
The ugly little goblin-looking house elf suddenly appeared out of thin air, taking everyone by surprise.
"Um... No. I should be alright. But, thank you, Kreacher." Harry got on one knee to place a hand on his shoulder, as he regarded him. "Listen, you belong to them now. This family and their children need you more than I do. Promise me you'll be good to them. Okay?"
"I suppose Kreacher has grown... Kreacher will do his best, former master." Kreacher replied reluctantly in his raspy drawl. But, then he nodded his affirmation and you could tell he would be good to his word.
Harry stood up and declared, "Well, then... I suppose I have made quite a mess of myself, haven't I? Care to show me where your suits are?"
"Yeah, I suppose I should get dressed, meself."
As they started up the stairs, two little tots came running down them, calling out, "Mummy! Daddy!"
"Oh, hello Harry!" Hugo piped up after hugging his father's legs. Rose was hugging Hermione tight.
"Hello, Hugo. Nice to see you again. I might be staying here for just a little bit until I get my affairs in order."
"Alright. Nice to see you, too."
Then, they continued upstairs.

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