Episode 1: the demon and the human

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3rd person pov

it was a rather average hot summer day in the small town called "Adams" It is usually quiet but today  traffic was rampant  with a small cat trying its best to avoid the oncoming vehicles 

Smol kat: Mew (╥ᆺ╥;)

the cat looks down in defeat while a car rapidly Suddenly someone dives in and grabs the cat and lands perfectly on the sidewalk

the cat opens its eyes to see y/n 

y/n: you okay Mr. Kitty cat?

with tears in its eyes, the cat responds  

Smol kat: ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ meow meow

the cat meows confidently still shaking a bit, y/n sets the cat down 

 y/n: stay out of the road okay?  

the cat nods and runs off,  y/n starts walking away until he spots something unusual

it was a tall person wearing black high heel boots and coats that were larger than their body the person had  sunglasses, a hood over her head, and a bandana covering her face

y/n: odd...

y/n mind: they aren't doing anything wrong but...are they mentally ok? They could have a heat stroke wearing all of that...... 

y/n pov

I found myself following the person silently  making sure not to give away my intentions, the stranger moved into an alleyway

y/n: this is such a stupid idea...

the figure continued walking but stopped abruptly when someone at the end of the alleyway  it was a humanoid creature with red skin, white horns, and black stripes on the horns, it shocked me since I hadn't seen an imp in a long time  

Imp: it's nothing personal... 

the imp charged towards the mysterious figure with a sharp knife in his hand   

y/n: look out!

I stupidly say making the mysterious figure turn towards me only for the creature to jab the knife through the person's stomach and out their back making the figure collapse her glasses and hood revealing a feminine hellhound face with red sclera and white eyes  

y/n mind: a hellhound?!

I looked at the imp who was now cleaning the blood off the knife 

imp: now I can finally claim the bounty money from Beelzebub*he looks up at me* I'll have to thank you   human, however, you've seen me and her now I'll have to get rid of you, can't have any human knowing about  demons   

I softly sigh

y/n mind: I have to heal that hellhound injury overwise she will die (no shit) I promised myself that I wouldn't get into conflict again...but if it means I get to save a life then it will be worth it 

I start walking towards the imp

time skip Hellhound POV

I open my eyes weakly to see the ceiling which made me sit up quickly only to feel the sharp pain in my stomach and back   

me: FUCK!!!

I yelp and look down at my stomach and I gently lift my shirt to see a bandage wrapped around my stomach with the bandages with obvious bloodstains on it 

me: what the...why am i- 

I remember what happened, my blood boiled more than I ever thought it could 


I looked around the room, it was a generic room with gray-painted walls,3 windows with the sunlight shining through, and a dresser with my jacket, sunglasses, and my bandana on top of it   

my mind: he even grabbed my other clothes...

I was interrupted in my thoughts when the door opened and the same boy entered he spotted me 

3rd person pov

y/n gently walked over to the hellhound she growled at me her growls got louder the closer I got  

hellhound: get the fuck away from m-

y/n: here ya go 

y/n said while handing the hellhound a plate full of freshly baked cookies  

hellhound: what the hell happened after I was stabbed?   where is the guy that stabbed me? 

y/n stopped and softly sweated a bit 

y/n: that red creature thing ran off  when he spotted me so I took you and healed you the best i can 

the hellhound's eyebrow raises  as she gives a look of doubt 

y/n: luckily the knife missed your spine so you should be able to walk around i stitched your  wounds up too  

hellhound: why?

y/n: well it's my fault that you got stabbed so it's the least I can do  

the hellhound narrows her eyes

hellhound: mhm and I guess you wanted to get your hands on me too

y/n: why would I do that?

y/n said confused

hellhound: because you are a pervert

y/n: no I'm not 

hellhound: yeah right if I were a guy you would've let me die but since I'm a girl you saved me in hopes that I would fall in love with you or some shit like that! 

the hellhound said while snarling and pointing her index finger at y/n

y/n: I only saved you because I felt bad about you being stabbed i don't know you and I don't know why you were being targeted by that guy in the first place but I wouldn't let any of my patients die

the hellhound scoffs but doesn't argue any further but y/n was looking around the room before remembering something   

y/n: oh wait!

y/n said snapping his finger making the hellhound raise an eyebrow  

y/n: I didn't introduce myself *clears throat* my name is y/n l/n  and I am 18  years whats yours?

the hellhound rolls her eyes yet smirks softly at y/n's bold attitude 

Loona: my name is Loona and I'm 33 years old...

y/n: dang loona you old as dirt

y/n said with a dopey grin 




end of chapter 1 

i know it isn't good but whatever 

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