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Jennie's POV

I stared up at the ceiling as the thumping on the wall got louder. I rolled my eyes when I heard my mother screaming “Taehyung ”. The pounding against the wall got faster and I knew it was coming. Pun intended.

Oh-my-god, this was fricking sick. I was listening to my mother have sex with Taehyung, my daddy, the man who cared for me like I was his actual daughter since I was ten-years-opd, the man who lately has been the subject of my twisted fantasies, the man who earlier spanked me! Like I was a child! But the thing that freaked me out the most was that I enjoyed it. I enjoyed being spanked! And he was disgusted when he found out. I just know he was. He sees me as his little girl. As his angel. And me? I don't know how I see him anymore. My feelings for him had started changing in the last year. I saw him as more than just my stepdaddy. I saw him as a very, attractive experienced older man.

And that's not acceptable.
It's wrong.
He's married to my mom.
He is my daddy.

That's one of the reasons I let Yeonjun kiss me today, in the boys locker room. I wanted to forget these abnormal feelings I have for Taehyung, or Tae as I call him.. that's when I don't call him daddy.

A loud grunt sounded which was drowned out by my mother's scream and I sighed, now that they were done maybe I could get some sleep.

I was just fixing off when my phone - that Tae never came to get - started buzzing on the dresser.

It was my best friend Suga texting me. At two in the morning..

Suga: You up?

Jennie: I am now.

Not even a second later and my phone pings, with another text.

Suga: Sorry.

Jennie: It's fine, I was just starting to doze off anyways...

Suga: How come?

Jennie: What do you think?

Suga: ooh, was mommy and daddy dearest at it again? ;)

Jennie: You seriously think this is funny

Suga: ummm.. YES!! Hilarious, I'm crying :'-( (of laughter . . ;)

Jennie: Not funny

Suga: C’mon Jen, you gotta admit it's a little funny

Jennie: It's not funny! . . . You know what, forget it *pouts* I'll see you tomorrow... Later at school

Suga: Okay, I'm sorry Jen. It's not that funny.. anywho I was wondering if you wanted to hang at my place tommorow I mean ‘today’ after school?

I frowned down at my phone while chewing on my bottom lip. Would Taehyung let me? . . .

Jennie: ... Sure.. just make sure to tell mama Redington that her favorite person (me) is coming over and that her mouths watering for some of her famous chocolate chip cookies 😋!

A low chuckle escaped me as I waited for Suga's reply. I really hope Taehyung let's me go. I love.. LOVE mama Reddingtons chocolate chip cookies.


I giggled as I read Suga's reply.

Suga: Wait! So you're only coming over for my Mama's cookies?! And I'm her favorite person!

Jennie: Aw, is Yoongi-Poo jealous? And yes, your mother's cookies are the only reason I come.

Suga: I hate you.. *pouts and glares*

Jennie: I love you too, Yoongi-Poo

Suga: . . . Love you too, Jen.

Laying my phone back on the dresser I cuddled back down in my blankets and sleep descended upon me with wicked dreams of my forbidden daddy, that left me aching and wet. Begging for some kind of release.

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