Rejoice N Revenge

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September 12th, 1947...

There once was a young boy named Anubis Lenivy.

Mr. Lenivy always had a fascination with peculiar things, especially animals of some sort. "Look, Mom!" shouted Anubis, jumping up and down with excitement as he showed his mother a picture he had drawn. "It's a singing zebra! Isn't she wonderful?"

"Wonderful indeed," said Anubis' mother, smiling softly before turning to face the kitchen counter where she was cooking.

It was a sunny afternoon in Hurricane, Utah, and the people there were rather dull and uneventful. They were either indoors reading newspapers or out walking to stores to buy scratch-off tickets.

Anubis was on his way to the park when he suddenly saw a poster. It depicted an old-time scene of a grizzly bear wearing a hat, standing on its hind legs, watching a record play its wonderful tunes on a record player. "Freddy the dancing bear!" Anubis read aloud from the poster. Surprisingly, it didn't cost much; it was only 10 cents, available for almost everyone to witness. It was something to enliven the otherwise dry and dull streets of Utah.

Anubis was stunned. He walked over to the tent where the tunes were playing, pushing through the crowd of intrigued spectators who watched the amazing brown grizzly bear dance and spin on its inflated beach ball. Anubis soon became entranced too. As he grew older, his fascination grew, and he realized his destiny lay in recreating this remarkable brown, dancing, fuzzy bear that had captured the attention of hundreds of Utah civilians when he was younger.

Chapter 2: Wake up.

"Father?" A soft voice came from the boy standing in the doorway, holding a blanket and a toy. Anubis grunted from the bed before turning over to face his son. "What is it now, Keon?" Anubis's voice was low and tired. "I had a nightmare. Again. It was about Mom," said Keon, his words mumbled, knowing his father's number one rule: never talk about Mom.

Anubis sat up, turning on his lamp, allowing his eyes to adjust to the light that had once been consumed by darkness. "Your mother, huh? You just miss her, that's all," he shrugged. "It wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare! Can I just sleep with you? Please?" Keon pleaded.

Anubis stared at Keon and sighed deeply before gesturing for him to get on the bed. Keon giggled before slowly crawling over his father and laying down beside him. Anubis passed him the remote, giving him a glare that meant, "You better have that television on its lowest volume, or else you're out." He turned off his lamp, leaving only a bit of light from the television.

Anubis turned over, patting Keon, then falling back to sleep.


Early that morning, as the sun began to rise, Anubis slowly rose from his bed and opened the curtains to witness the sun gradually making its way up, shining brightly. He went downstairs to the kitchen, his loud thuds echoing throughout the house if it was quiet. Standing at the counter quietly, he stared into the abyss, his eyes dead and eyelids heavy, just trying to make a cup of coffee.

Once he finished, Anubis walked into his living room and sat down on the couch, which had a perfect view of the TV. He watched the Sunday show that came on every Sunday. It wasn't until then that his older son emerged from his room, looking more like his mother than usual. He walked into the bathroom and slammed the door, turning on the shower. Anubis sighed. "Good morning, Osiris," he yelled loud enough for him to hear over the sound of the running water. He waited until he heard a mumbled "mhm" from the bathroom. Anubis stood up, walked over to the bathroom door, and stood there for a bit. "You know, you'll be going to your uncle's house in a few," he said playfully. "I'm sure he'll miss you."

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