he knew , always

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"Suna , still remember Habarashi from highschool ?" Haku asked , scrolling through his phone.

Suna hummed , licking his lips. Hmm sweet.
"The one with the middle hair split ? Yeah I remember him. Why though ?" Suna asked , tilting his head back to glance at Haku.

"Heard he got together with Seika , it was last week , I think" Haku shrugged , pursed his lips at Suna.

"Oh.. lucky them" said Suna , dropping his gaze to his lap. Oh how to be loved by someone. How to love someone. Would he be able to feel it ? That ? Would he ever learn to love someone ?

If they both could accept their feelings for each other long ago , none of them would hurt like this. But how ? Just how ? Yes they were young. Stupid and foolish. Naive and dumb. What they had is far more different from feelings. It was a bond , a life. Both new each other since birth. How could a mere pain in the heart seperate them ? How ironic. Isn't it ?

"Do you think we could be like them ?" Suna confessed. Yes he was scared , but it's not wrong to try , isn't it ? He chuckles bitterly. Is it funny ? I don't know. Is it hurting him ? That's for sure.

Haku froze , processing the question carefully. He blinked at his phone twice before peeking at Suna , staring at the back oh his head. Is it surprising to him ? No. Not really. He always knew Suna had something for him , he just can't point it. Sighing quietly, Haku put his phone to the side, and rest his head back. They say ignorance is bliss.

'Who knows Suna, who knows' Haku sigh quietly in his heart. It's just a sentence, but why his heart throb so much ?

Suna knows he won't get an answer out of Haku at time like this. A confession question at that. It scares him. It scares them both. He shrugged it off. None of that matter anyways. He should be thankful that Haku stick and stay by him all this time. He'd gladly do the same for him. Haku the only thing he have afterall.

Suna suddenly chuckle loudly, shaking his head as he smack Haku's thigh. The latter yelp, punching his shoulder and he laugh harder.

"What the hell, Suna ?" Haku groan , rubbing the sting away, glaring at Suna. Suna just laugh it off , taking both Haku's hand and smack both his cheek. He keep Haku's hand there, sighing at the warmness.

"I'm just joking okay ? No need to be so serious" said Suna trying to imitate Haku's serious face but fail miserably. Ah... what a sight. Haku huffed, squishing the pink haired boy cheek's.

Out of the things Haku hates, this is the most annoying thing ever. Why would Suna downplay everything like that ? Why wouldn't he let Haku answer ? Why is he always ignore his feeling ? What they both feels about each other ? Haku never knew. Suna cut the ropes even before Haku got the chance to ask. That's what makes Haku frust. He hates that. He hates the way Suna treating himself like that. Yes he knew that Suna is straightforward, but not when it involve feelings. Why can't they have a talk ? Why can't they say things in their mind ? No scratch that.

"Whatever, don't scare me like that again" Haku squish his cheek. Stupid Suna. Always ignoring his feelings.

"You know it's no use to lie , right ? Hmm, Hirayaki Suna ? I can always tell if you're lying or not" Haku squinted his eyes at Suna, who look at Haku with his puppy eyes. Ah those eyes again. Sigh. There's no way Haku would resist-

Haku hissed.

"Yeah ? Trying to get out of it again ?" He snort, raising an eyebrow at Suna.

"Whatever" Suna click his tounge, rolling his eyes. Damn it. It always work on people, then why not him ? Haku could care less about people's feelings. Other people feelings. He scoff a smile, messing with Suna's hair. A habit of his. Suna found it a little annoying. He always had to pat it down, combing his finger through his tossled hair to neat it down.

He chuckled. Oh how Suna loved it. He loves the way Haku sound. His laugh. His raspy deep morning voice. The way he sings a song half-heartedly.

Yeah. He's lovesick.


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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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