Before You Read...

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This is wordy so the TLDR version is:

1. This is a rewrite/second draft of my other work "Image". Major plot points are the same so if you don't want spoilers DON'T READ IMAGE.

2. Trigger Warnings include: mentions of suicide, sex scenes, sexual assault/rape, mentions of abortion, and drug use. It can get pretty graphic. I don't want to trigger or hurt anyone, but this way of writing is what is therapeutic for me. I was not planning on doing chapter by chapter TW, but I can do that if needed.

3. Another thing, please, if you like this, I kindly ask you to leave  a like or better yet, a comment. Doesn't matter how short. It means everything to me and will absolutely help me work faster. I am also totally open to R4R and f4f.

Music is a strong influence and factor in this novel. Every chapter will have a song. I'm trying to keep them in that timeframe, but some 2000s songs are just too good and fitting so I might have to break my own rules there. Once i finish it up, I'll attach a playlist.

Happy reading!!  —————>>>>>

****Long Version, Feel Free To Skip If You Haven't Read My Other Works:

This is a second draft/rewrite of a story I started writing 12 years ago on Booksie/BooksieSilk. I have changed a lot in 12 years (as people do) and I feel like it's glaringly obvious. I look back on a lot of my writing and cringe because it feels like a kid wrote it. I also couldn't help but notice the dips in quality between chapters based on what age I was/what was going on at the time of writing. I'm experiencing a dip in quality now, due to some cognitive/health issues I've been having, but I'm sick of waiting to get better before I write again. I'm trying to push past my confidence issues and tell the story, so if this looks a little half-baked, I apologize and plan on tweaking it later.

This is the rewrite/second draft of my other work "image". A lot of things will be different, but major plot points will remain the same as well as the ending. If you don't want spoilers, don't read Image. My characters have also undergone some personality changes which I think will work a bit better this time around.

Originally, the story was set in the present day, but as you can imagine, over a span of 12 years, "present day" kept changing and it became hard to keep up with current events without altering the story. Especially with the burgeoning synthetic drug epidemic (of which is outside the realm of my knowledge), the current state of what is considered popular music and COVID. I figured it was best to pick a setting that I'm pretty well-versed on that cannot change. This is now set in the '90s and will be as historically accurate as possible. I was a kid then, so my memory isn't great. Let me know if you notice any inaccuracies. That being said, you can imagine it's not going to be very politically correct.

There are a lot of triggering moments throughout the story. Please do us both a favor and don't read if you are sensitive to dark content. This also serves as a cathartic exercise for me and I hope maybe it can be for other people who have gone through the things I have.

I'll tell you right off the bat that there is foul language, sexual content/sex scenes, dark themes, addiction, mentions of suicide etc.

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