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He came down the stairs carefully, but full of anger

' I have to get to work and you said you'd make our hangover soup. Which clearly, I don't see '

' Why'd I make it? Shoulda asked Minju to make it instead ' she scoffed

' I was hanging out with Beomgyu at the park, we were planning for prom ' which took like 2 minutes to discuss

' If you didn't agree to make it maybe I would've asked her. Whatever— you're grounded, for a week. No laptop too!' he walked back up to her room to find her laptop

' You two— I hate you!'

' It's gonna be two weeks with that attitude— hey Beomgyu!' mum waved at him as she comforted herself with a warm blanket around her

' Are you going work today? Seems like you got carried away yesterday ' I asked her with a concerned look

' No— but you'll still get allowance. Maybe not her though ' she walked off with her warm cup of tea in her hand

' What?! I'm telling auntie Park—'

' And what will happen? Just go to your room before it gets worse ' Beomgyu replied, having enough of the constant arguing

' Shouldn't your brother be here? I remember hearing he was coming '

' I'll go see him later, with you. Now isn't the exact best time for my parents ' he chuckled, probably of the thought of them being drunk

There was a knock on the door

' I'll get it ' Beomgyu stood up to let me relax

' W-what?' I heard from the background

A grown man came into the room, which I assumed was Beomgyu's older brother

He was more taller than him, although Beomgyu was quite tall already

Maybe a little more mature looking, but nothing to catch my attention

' And who are you ' his brother sat down with a friendly smile, quite familiar

' Gyu's girlfriend ' I replied, having more focus on the tv

Beomgyu sat beside me and whispered in my ear

' Try be a bit more nice, he'll get better '

I placed down the remote and sighed

' Name '

' Hm?' he replied

' Your name is Hm. Funny '

' It's Mingyu, Minju?'

' How do you know—'

' Trust me, Beomgyu always talks about you '

' I would kill you if we weren't dating ' Beomgyu threatened

' Oh God shut up— and who is he?' Minhee came in

' Get out. You're grounded ' I pushed her out

' C'mon, just for a bit longer?' Minhee remained still

' He's 6 years older than you, and engaged ' Beomgyu coldly replied

' So what—'

' Leave, now ' I threw the remote at her head

' Engaged?' Mingyu questioned

' That's the last thing I need on my mind right now ' Beomgyu sighed

' So you aren't engaged?'

lonely boy | CHOI BEOMGYU ✓Where stories live. Discover now