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I was about to leave the office when I heard a soft voice calling out my name, it was lexi. Lexi knew I was too bad at convincing anyone. Once I had to convince the chief to grant us a day off but I messed up and instead we had to work extra.

She knew this was too hard for me so she said she was up for any kind of help that I may need. Lexi was different sometimes she was kind, sometimes not...

She hugs me tight ewww this girl always keeps getting clingy. I hate it when someone touches me what the hell I'm not dying duh can she pull out of the hug. It was hard to breathe with her hand stuck around my neck tightly I barely managed to speak.

"Are you planning to kill me lexi" and I cough....

"N-No oops sorry for that..."

"It's umm fine..."

We parted our ways as my car was for servicing I had to take a cab or walk.

Standing at the edge of the road I start searching for a cab not even a single cab was unoccupied ........

I tried to book the cab online but it said no cabs available at the moment....

I had no option but to walk so I prefer walking while gulping juice or ice cream so I quickly go and buy myself a ice cream....

Walking peacefully and eating a ice cream all I could think of was how I made it this long how I survived everything that happened which I honestly thought I couldn't survive at all...

I hear a car honking continuously so I turn around to shout at whoever was honking the car continuously but instead I see a black Audi car and when I knock on the mirror of the car all I see is Charles ...

The fuck like ssly why does this guy always keep bumping into me ........

I quickly start "Wha-what??"

Charles replies in a irritated tone-
"I thought I could give you a ride as you were walking alone what's with that attitude huhh!!?".

"Ahh actually I left my car at the servicing and no cabs were available..."

Charles replies
"Oo I see so you wanna hop in or walk?"

I take few minutes to think it's already 10 pm which is quite late and walking alone is not safe not that I can't fight but I'm too tired today Charles shouts and starts his car and says....

"Seems like you don't wanna get in so bubyee Jones."

I shout loudlyy


I get in his car and as he opened the door beside the driver's seat I hopped in that seat itself.He was wearing a blue blazer and damnn the veins of his hands seemed so sexyy. His hand on the steering wheel and this mobile was being charged. I swear hands with veins visible are my biggest weakness.

 I swear hands with veins visible are my biggest weakness

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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑶𝒇 𝑯𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 ♡︎Where stories live. Discover now