I think you're brave, Neville

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Neville confesses to his friend/crush
Approx 4000 words

Neville Longbottom was just as surprised as anyone when he grew nearly six inches in his sixth year at Hogwarts. He'd returned from the summer holidays much taller and broader than before, with a deeper voice and stronger arms. His grandmother, Augusta, had nodded approvingly when she'd seen him, her hawk-like eyes missing nothing. "You're a fine young man, Neville," she had said. But no amount of physical growth could change his shy demeanor or his natural instinct to stay out of the limelight.

Despite his newfound height, Neville was still prone to blushing when someone so much as looked his way, and he often stumbled over his words when speaking in front of the class. His passion for Herbology remained as strong as ever, and he found comfort in the quiet of the greenhouses, tending to the magical plants and talking to them as if they were old friends.

Draco Malfoy, however, found Neville's growth spurt an amusing novelty. "Look at Longbottom," Draco would say to his cronies, Crabbe and Goyle. "Like a beanstalk that doesn't know how to stop growing." It was a relentless stream of taunts that followed Neville through the corridors, always making him shrink back into himself.

But you were different. You were kind, patient, and most importantly, you saw Neville for who he really was. You'd grown up with him at Hogwarts, and though you were in different Houses, you shared some classes and had developed a friendship over the years. You admired Neville's passion for Herbology, his quiet courage, and his gentle demeanor. And you couldn't stand seeing him get picked on by Draco and his gang.

It was a crisp October afternoon when the bullying reached a peak. You were heading to Herbology class when you saw Neville standing near the entrance to the greenhouses. He was alone, and Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle had him cornered against the wall.

"What's the matter, Longbottom?" Draco sneered, a smirk on his lips. "You lost on your way to your precious plants?"

Neville's face turned a deep shade of red as he stammered out a response, but Draco cut him off with a wave of his hand. Crabbe and Goyle laughed, looming over Neville with their broad shoulders and menacing grins.

"Leave him alone, Malfoy," you said, stepping forward. You had never liked bullies, and Draco's smug attitude grated on your nerves. "Find someone else to pick on."

Draco raised an eyebrow, clearly not expecting anyone to stand up for Neville. "Oh, look," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Longbottom's got himself a protector. How sweet."

You crossed your arms, meeting Draco's gaze with an unflinching stare. "Back off, Malfoy," you said firmly. "Or you'll regret it."

Draco's eyes narrowed, but before he could retort, Professor Sprout appeared at the greenhouse entrance, her expression stern. "What's going on here?" she demanded.

Draco took a step back, feigning innocence. "Nothing, Professor," he said smoothly. "Just having a friendly chat with Longbottom."

"Well, it doesn't look friendly to me," Professor Sprout replied, her eyes flicking between Draco and Neville. "Move along, all of you. Class is about to start."

Draco shot you a glare before turning on his heel and walking away with his cronies in tow. You watched them go, a sense of satisfaction settling over you as they disappeared from view.

Neville exhaled, visibly relieved. "Thanks," he said, his cheeks still flushed. "I—uh—I didn't know what to say."

You shrugged, giving him a reassuring smile. "You don't have to say anything," you replied. "I'm just glad I was here."

As you entered the greenhouse together, Neville's nervousness seemed to dissipate. The familiar scents of soil and herbs filled the air, and the rows of magical plants provided a calming backdrop to your conversation. You spent the class working side by side, repotting mandrakes and discussing the best techniques for nurturing them.

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